
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Academic development (Educational line) 7
Academic Pharma 15
Advanced Fetal and Neonatal Care 15
Biology of vitality and ageing 10
Biomedical Academic Scientific Training for exchange students 2
Cancer Immunity and Immunotherapy 15
Cellular Therapies 15
Choose 1
Clinical Immunology 15
Communication in science (Educational line) 5
Communication in Science for Exchange Students 2
Communication in Science-2 (CiS-2) 2
Communication in Science-3 (CiS-3) 3
Data analysis with R 1
Design and Analysis of Biomedical Studies 6
Design, analysis and practical use of biologicals 4
Discovering Life Science Companies 2
Final Research Project 30
Future perspectives 1
Global Health (Cuba) 15
Global Health (NL) 15
Glycosciences: the sweet spot of infection and immunity research 6
Health, Ageing and Society 15
Heart and Blood Vessels 15
Hormones and the Nervous System 8
Human Pathology 7
Immunology (BS) 9
Infections in Health and Disease 15
Infectious Agents and Immunity 6
Introduction to R 1
Introduction to the Neurosciences 6
Lifestyle Medicine and Primary Care 15
Line Academic Scientific Training Year 2 for International students 2
Mechanisms of disease 1 7
Mechanisms of disease 2 7
Medical Technology 15
Molecular Biology and Oncology 11
Molecular Targets in Cancer Therapy 15
Organisation of the ageing society 10
Pharmacology 2
Physiology, Advanced Concepts 4
Physiology, Basic Concepts 8
Professional and Personal Development 2
Research and evidence (Educational line) 5
Science and Career 12
Second Year Track - electives 30
Sense and Non-sense in Anesthesiology 15
Spine/Skullbase Surgery & Otolaryngology/Audiology 15
The older individual 10
Translational Medical Genomics 6