
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Topics Latin American Linguistics 10
Track-bound electives Comparative Indo-European Linguistics I
Track-bound electives Comparative Indo-European Linguistics II
Track-bound electives Descriptive Linguistics I 15
Track-bound electives Descriptive Linguistics II 5
Track-bound electives Language and Cognition 5
Track-bound electives Taal en Communicatie I 10
Track-bound electives Taal en Communicatie II 10
Traduzione olandese-italiano (Corso monografico) 5
Trajan's Legacy 5
Translation Studies 5
Translation Studies 10
Transmedia: Story, World, Multivers 5
Transmissie en transformatie van cultuur in Europa, 800-1700 5
Trasporre e tradurre la letteratura: italiano-olandese (Corso monografico) 5
Turkish through Media 5
Tutorial (ResMA History) 10
Tutorial Akkadian 10
Tutorial General History of the Contemporary Time (AGC) 0
Tutorial General History of the Early Modern Period (AGN) 0
Tutorial Introduction Ancient History (OG) 0
Tutorial Introduction Dutch History (VG) 0
Tutorial Introduction Economic and Social History (ESG) 0
Tutorial Introduction Medieval History (MG) 0
Tutorial Sumerian 5
Tweede Taal in Afrika 15
Tweedetaalverwerving: de invloed van moedertaal en taalaanleg 5
Tweedetaalverwerving: didactiek en toetsing 5
Twentieth Century French Philosophy: Deleuze 10
Uitgeven Anno Nu 5
Understanding war through primary sources: the Arab-Israeli conflict 5
Upper Intermediate Turkish 10
Upper-intermediate Hebrew 10
Upper-intermediate Persian (cancelled) 10
Urban Economics and Planning 5
Urban Studies Foundations 5
Urban youth cultures of the Middle East 5
Values in Music 5
Van spotlied tot cabaret: humor als wapen in de Nederlandse cultuur 5
Vedic Sanskrit 5
Vedic Sanskrit: Linguistic Structure and Prehistory 5
Vienna Through the Centuries: Politics, Culture, Society 10
Vijftien eeuwen Nederlands, Taalwetenschap II 5
Violent Rebels in International Affairs 10
Visual Analysis I: Iconography and the Interpretation of Western Art 5
Visual Analysis II: Art Making Techniques and the Analysis of Objects in the Visual Arts, Architecture and Design 5
Visual History: Introduction to Visual Sources for Modern History 5
Voyeurism and Exhibitionism: Gender and Visual Culture 5
Vriendschap en wraak in Attische Tragedie 5
Vrije Keuzeruimte / Minor Afrikaanse Talen en Culturen 15