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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Freshman's Class / Academic Skills I seminar: On the Scholarly Study of Art and its History 5
From Aram to Zakho 5
From Columbus to Castro. History of the Caribbean 5
From Inkwell to Internet: Text and Transmission in the Muslim World 10
From Inkwell to Internet: Text and Transmission in the Muslim World (5 EC) 5
From the Pilgrims to the Present: An Introduction to American Studies 5
From the Pilgrims to the Present: An Introduction to American Studies (Minor/Pre-master) 10
Frontiers of Measurement Techniques 3
Functional Analysis (MM) 8
Fysica van Moderne Technologie 3
Galaxies and Cosmology 5
Game Analysis: Games and Cultural Analysis 10
Game Design, Story-Telling and Society: an Interdisciplinary Hackaton 10
Games and Transmedia Storytelling 5
Gender and Diversity: New Approaches in Critical and Cultural Theory 10
General History of the Contemporary Time (AGC) 5
General History of the Early Modern Period (AGN) 5
General History of the Early Modern Period (AGN) 5
General introduction into evolutionary biology and genetics & comparative approaches to understanding the origins of human anatomy, brain and behavior 9
General Introduction to Art in China 5
Genome organization and maintenance in cancer and aging (GCA) 6
Genomic Architecture 6
Georgian Language for Beginners 5
Geschiedenis en Filosofie van de wiskunde (TUD) 6
Geschiedenis Midden-Oosten 1 (600-1500) 5
Gewone differentiaalvergelijkingen (Analyse 3) 6
Gezinspedagogiek 5
Gilgamesh, Mozes, Echnaton: godsdienst in het oude Nabije Oosten 5
Global Christianity 5
Global Connections 5
Global Crossings: Brazil and Cultural Dialogues in the Portuguese-Speaking World 5
Global Crossings: Brazil and Cultural Dialogues in the Portuguese-Speaking World 5
Global Governance and Human Rights: History, Theory, and Practice 10
Global Health (NL) 15
Global Memory Practices 5
Global Regulatory Networks in Bacteria (GRNB) 6
Global Transformations: Religions on the Move in Historical and Contemporary Perspective 10
Globalisering en Postkoloniale Literatuurtheorie 10
Golden texts from the Renaissance 5
Good Research Practices 5
Gothic 5
Grammar Modern Hebrew 3 5
Greek and Roman Philosophy 5
Greek Historical Grammar II 5
Greek linguistics 5
Greek Paleography 1 5
Greek Paleography 2 5
Greek Papyrology 10
Greek poetry: drama 5
Grote Boeken uit de literatuur van de middeleeuwen en de vroegmoderne tijd 5