
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Statistics AN Part 1 3
Statistics AN Part 2 3
Statistics and Data Analysis 2
Statistics for the Humanities (Statistics I) 5
Statistics in Linguistics 5
Stellar Structure and Evolution 6
Stochastic Models for Genetic Evolution (BM) 6
Stochastische Besliskunde 6
Storia della lingua italiana 5
Strategic Management & Leadership (Leiden) 5
Strategic presentation of argumentation 5
Strategies in Creative and Performing Arts 3
Strategy and Technology 5
Structure course non-western languages (Quechua) 5
Student assistantship bachelor research assignment 5
Student Parliament 5
Stumbling Blocks in Dutch as a Second Language 5
Stylistics: Formulation Choices and Persuasiveness 10
Sufism: History, Religion and Material Culture 5
Sumerian 2: Gudea 5
Sumerian 3: Literary Texts 5
Superconductivity 3
Supramolecular Chemistry (SUP) 6
Surface Science (SUS) 6
Survey Methodology 6
Survival analysis 6
Sustainability, Power and Place 6
Sustainable City Lecture Series 5
Sustainable development: Big Issues New Answers 15
Swahili I 10
Swahili II 10
Swahili III 5
Synthetic Organic Chemistry 5
System and Software Security 6
Systems Optimisation 3
Taal sociaal 5
Taalkunde en Retorica 5
Taalkunde en Retorica / Digitale tekstanalyse 5
Taalvaardigheid Spaans niveau 1 10
Taalvaardigheid Spaans niveau 2 5
Taiwan Studies seminar 5
Tax in the Boardroom 5
Technologie en privaatrecht 5
Technology and Society: Values and Norms 5
Telecommunications Law 5
Text Mining 6
The Adolescent Brain 5
The Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire 5
The Arts of Logistics 3
The Boundaries of Power 5