
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Das Eigene und das Andere: Kulturen, Medien und Identität 10
Data Analysis With Python 5
Data Management, Measurement and Analysis in R for Social Sciences 5
Data Mining for Cyber Security 4
Data Science in Practice 6
Data Visualization 6
De oudste geschiedenis. Egypte en het Nabije Oosten tot ca. 1000 voor Christus. 5
De wereld van Sheherazade: cultuurgeschiedenis van de middeleeuwse islam 5
Debating Warfare: Military History from Early Modern Times 5
Defence, safety and morality 5
Democratic self-defence and democratic backsliding 5
Democratizing Histories (10 EC) 10
Democratizing Histories (5 EC) 5
Demotic Papyrology 1 10
Demotic Papyrology 2 10
Demotic Papyrology III 5
Denktank Neerlandistiek 10
Density Functional Theory in Practice (DIP) 6
Description of a Non-western Language II: Berber 5
Description of a Non-western Language III: Leti 5
Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments 6
Design, analysis and practical use of biologicals 4
Designing the decorative arts: Drawings and the process of making European decorative arts 1500-1900 10
Desinformation: an interdisciplinary challenge 5
Detection of Light a 3
Detection of Light b 3
Determinants of Human Behaviour 5
Developmental and Educational Psychology 5
Diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
Dialogues in literature and interaction 10
Diaspora Communities in the Persian Period 5
Diaspora Communities in the Persian Period 10
Didactiek van het Nederlands als tweede taal 10
Differentiable Manifolds 6
Digital editing of literary texts 5
Digital Heritage 5
Digital Humanities and Digital Natives 5
Digital Society in Contemporary China 5
Digital Storytelling for the Humanities 5
Digital Text and Data Analysis 5
Digital Transformation 5
Discrete Besliskunde 6
Diversity Linguistics: Africa, Asia and the Americas 10
Documentary: Audiovisual Evidence 5
Dramatic Media 10
Drawing Dimensions 10
Drug Delivery 4
Dutch Debates – Topical Questions in Dutch Society, Culture I 5
Dutch Media and Society 5
Dutch Painting 1400 – 1950: Introduction to the Art History of the Netherlands, Cultuurwetenschap I 5