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The Astronomy Pre-Master’s programme is designed specifically to eliminate relatively minor deficiencies in the prior education of applicants lacking specific knowledge or experience required for successful participation in the Astronomy master’s programme.

Upon successful completion of the Astronomy Pre-Master’s programme within the deadline imposed by the Astronomy Board of Examiners, students will be admitted to the Astronomy master’s programme.


TU Delft students

For students with a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Delft University of Technology, a specific Astronomy Pre-Master’s programme has been composed (see below).

Other students

In consultation with the Astronomy study advisor, an individual programme can be tailored to the applicant’s deficiencies in order to meet the entry requirements for the Astronomy master’s programme.


Admission to the Astronomy Pre-Master’s programme is selective and decided by the Astronomy Board of Examiners. Based on the specific contents, level and obtained grades of the applicant’s prior education, the Board of Admissions decides whether and how deficiencies can be eliminated by following a pre-master’s programme.

Applicant profile

  • A university bachelor’s degree or a Dutch higher vocational education (HBO) degree in a related field of science

  • Proficient in core mathematical and physics subjects

  • Proven experience in astronomy (e.g. courses, research projects, summer schools)

  • International applicants: English language proficiency through one of the following tests:

    • IELTS: minimum 6.5, with a minimum of 6.0 for each individual subsection

    • TOEFL: internet based 90, with a minimum of 20 for each individual subsection

    • Cambridge English Exam C2 Proficiency, or C1 Advanced with an overall score of 180, with a minimum of 169 for each individual subsection

    • Or demonstrate the language level with an equivalent test

How to apply

To enroll in the Astronomy Pre-Master, you need to follow the regular application procedure for the Astronomy master’s programme through the Online Application System. After approximately 4-6 weeks you will receive the Astronomy Board of Admissions’ decision stating whether you are (1) admitted to the Astronomy master’s programme directly, (2) conditionally admitted to the master’s programme, (3) conditionally admitted after successful completion of a tailor-made pre-master’s programme or (4) not admitted.


If you have been admitted after a tailor-made Astronomy Pre-Master’s programme, you need to register as a senior bachelor’s student as described on the Astronomy Pre-Master's student's website.

Tuition fee

The cost for the Astronomy Pre-Master’s programme in Leiden depends on the number of credits (EC) included in your individual programme. The statutory tuition fee for bachelor's programmes holds for a Pre-Master's programme exceeding 45 EC. For Pre-Master's programmes under 45 EC, you will pay a proportional tuition fee per EC. The Astronomy Pre-Master’s programme can never exceed 60 EC.


For further inquiries, please contact the Astronomy Study Advisor.

TU Delft students

For students with a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering (TU Delft), the Astronomy Pre-Master consists of the following courses from the Astronomy bachelor’s programme:

  • Astronomy Lab and Observing Project

  • Astronomical Observing Techniques

  • Galaxies and Cosmology

  • Radiative Processes

  • Stars

  • Quantum Mechanics 1

Please note that the course Quantum Mechanics 1 may be substituted by the following TU Delft courses:

  • Kwantummechanica 1 (TN 2304, 3 EC)

  • Kwantummechanica 2 (TN 2314, 3 EC)

Other applicants

A tailored Astronomy Pre-Master’s programme can be designed for applicants holding a university bachelor’s degree or a Dutch higher vocational education (HBO) degree in a related field of science.

For further inquiries, please contact the Astronomy Study Advisor.