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Political Science: International Organisation (Leiden) - February 2017 start


In their second semester (September 2017-January 2018) Political Science students follow a Political Science thesis seminar (20 EC) plus an elective seminar (10 EC).

Please note that official course registration in uSis does not lead to automatic Blackboard enrollment. You must enroll yourself on Blackboard for your courses.

  • Preliminary Info
  • Start February 2017
  • Transitional Regulation
  • Competency Requirements
  • More Info

For students who started in February 2017

Registration for your courses in the Fall semester:

Registration for elective seminar (block I)
Registration for one elective seminar in block I is possible from Monday 21 August 10.00 a.m. until Monday 28 August 10.00 a.m. by sending an e-mail with your choice to You can find the seminars that you can choose from in your e-Prospectus. Please note that each seminar has a maximum number of participants; registration is on a first come first served basis. Students that start the programme in September 2017 have priority for the seminars in block I because for them these seminars form part of their core curriculum.

Registration for thesis seminar
You will be registered by the Secretariat in the Thesis Seminar of your specialisation.