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first year

The MA programme is made up of the following main elements (all of which are worth 10 ECTS credits, unless stated otherwise):

  • Tutorial – Intensive study of primary source material

  • Pensum – Guided reading of primary/secondary literature assigned by the teaching staff (this Pensum may be replaced by a second tutorial within the department)

  • Option – This is a free option. You can choose to direct your study in-line with your particular interests. Examples include following a master class taught in the M.Phil programme, practical training or spending time on thesis preparation

  • Thesis [20 ECTS]

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
History, Theory, Nation: Readings from the South 10
Sharing the tales of the Buddha: narrative art in Asia 10

More info

(a) The specialisation in History invites students to focus on the medieval and earlymodern
history of South Asia. It provides them with the opportunity to combine the
study of Indian (mainly Indo-Persian but also other) documents with the rich and still
underused collections of the Dutch East India Company at the National Archives in The
(b) Students with a particular interest in the contemporary history of South Asia can
join the Hermann-Goetz Exchange Programme on the history of Modern South Asia,
half of which takes place at the South Asia Institute of the Ruprecht-Karls University in

Master’s thesis and requirements for graduation

In order to graduate, students must have completed a total of 60 ects, including courses
and the master’s thesis. The thesis of the master’s programme in Indian and Tibetan
Studies has the weight of 20 ects-credits and generally consists of a maximum of 17,000
words, including notes, bibliography and appendices.
Also see Regulations.