This course is about the principles behind modern electronic measure methods and the practical application.
The lectures start with treating the different appearance forms of Fourier transformations and relatives, their practical applications in general and in particular their applications in experimental systems.
There is specific focus for the transition of analog to digital signals, transferfunctions, noise, feedbacksystems and OpAmps (operational amplifiers). All subjects are both theoretically and practically treated (lectures and practical work).
Programme form
Lectures and excercises are integrated.
Experimental work: 7 dayparts experimenting in couples.
The experimental parts of this course start with 3 seperate afternoons (SVR1, SVR2 and SVR3) where different parts of the lectures are highlighted.
Students are split in two groups and work in couples. Before each experimental afternoon students have to prepare, by making assignments for example.
SVR4 is a free assignment which could last 4 dayparts (in consult with students and supervisor). A number of subjects are explained in more detail but students are free to come up with subjects of their own.
- Syllabus Signaalverwerking en ruis.
Remark: it is possible that just a single practical group is formed when the size of the group allows this. The scheduled meetings for SVR4 are to be scheduled differently in consult with supervisors.
The grade is derived from the mean of a quiz halfway during the course (20%), the partial exam at the end of the course (60%) and the final experiment SVR4 (20%). The quiz can only lead to a higher grade, otherwise this quiz is not counted. Prerequisite is that the exam grade is higher than 5.0 and the mean of the quiz and partial exam have to lead to a sufficient grade (>5.5).
It is also necessary to do the self-quizes that appear on Blackboard and to successfully finish the first three experiments.
SVR4 is rounded off with a short report of the essential parts of the experiment (the introduction does not have to describe the context in detail), a discussion of all relevant measurement results and a concise conclusion. The grade of SVR4 is derived from the weighted mean of the practical work and the report.
Summarizing for the entire course: quiz 20%, partial exam 40% (or 60% if the partial exam has a higher grade than the grade of the quiz), SVR4 40%.
Experimentele Natuurkunde, Natuurkundig Onderzoek and Labview
Analyse 3 NA (fouriertransformaties)
More information
Contact details lecturer: S.J. van der Molen (Sense Jan)
The assistants at the excercises and experimental parts are Thomas Ruytenberg and Jelmer Wagenaar.