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Magnetic Resonance Phenomena


Admission Requirements


The course will describe the quantum mechanical formulation of nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging, applications of both techniques and the hardware needed to perform these experiments. Specific topics covered are: NMR basics: energy levels, quantum mechanics, precession, RF pulses, Relaxation, chemical shift, MRI basics, k-space, Imaging sequences, One- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, Image contrast, T1- and T2-weighted sequences, Instrumentation, Fast imaging, angiography, lipid suppression, localized spectroscopy, Diffusion and Perfusion

Course objectives

The students should understand the basic physics behind the phenomenon of magnetic resonance and be able to derive and interpret information from NMR spectra and MR images from these first principles



Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Written examination with closed questions

If required, the exam may be re-taken.


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Reading list

N.B.Smith and A.G.Webb, Introduction to Medical Imaging: physics, engineering and clinical applications (Cambridge University Press, 2010)


Contactgegevens docent: Dhr Prof.dr. A. Webb
De cursus wordt verzorgd door docenten van het Gorter-centrum (LUMC)