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Chinese Economy and Society

N.B. Minor description is up-to-date / course descriptions are subject to change

The stormy developments in China in recent years have led to a great interest in China. There is virtually no country, region, sector or specialization in which China does not play a role. The BA program China Studies from the Faculty of Humanities is based on knowledge of Chinese languages and cultures, in which the "linguistic component" plays a major role. The Chinese Economy and Society minor has been set up to cater to students who are generally interested in China and want to know what Chinese development means for his / her field and career. A basic Chinese course is an additional option for minor students

The Chinese Economy and Society minor is explicitly open to students from various disciplines and faculties with an interest in Chinese economy, society and politics.

The aim of the ChES minor is primarily to provide students with insight into the various facets of the Chinese economy and society on the basis of various themes that vary from the transition to a market economy, economic geography, political and social developments, modern Chinese history, macroeconomics, consumerism, and international relations and trade.

The program is particularly broadening for those students who do not in any way come into contact with study components in the field of China during their main study.

The program is interdisciplinary because teachers from various disciplines (economics, political science, anthropology, sociology, law, international relations) work together in it, but also because the subjects that are discussed are not specifically tied to one discipline.

Maximum number of participants: 50

Prospectus number: 5000MCHESN

Language of instruction: English and Dutch

Registration: via EduXchange

LEI students 15 May (13:00hrs) to 4 July 2024

TUD and EUR students 15 May (13:00hrs) to 31 May 2024


Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Eerste semester (in totaal 15 EC)

Verplichte vakken (10 EC)

Introduction to Contemporary China A: Politics, Economics, and Society of Modern China 5
Modern Chinese Economy and Development 5

Kies één van de onderstaande vakken keuzevakken (5 EC; let op! Kies in het eerste of het tweede semester minimaal één vak op niveau 300 of hoger):

Beginnend Chinees A voor studenten ChES 5
Chinese history to 1911 5
Culture of Tibet 5
Introduction to Contemporary China B: Politics, Economics, and Society 5
General Introduction to Art in China 5

Tweede semester (in totaal 15 EC)

Verplicht vak (5 EC)

Modern Chinese History 5

Kies twee van de onderstaande vakken keuzevakken (10 EC; let op! Kies in het eerste of het tweede semester minimaal één vak op niveau 300 of hoger):

Beginnend Chinees B voor studenten ChES 5
Filosofie en religie van China 5
Literature and Art of China 5
China and World Environment 5
China and the Global Political Economy 5
Sociologie en antropologie van modern China 5
Tibet: State and Society 5


N.B. This minor is only offered as a package of 30 EC that can be taken during an entire academic year, with students taking 15 EC per semester (minimum 10 EC and maximum 20 EC per semester).

More info


  • Extent: 30 EC (spread over 2 semesters, see remarks)

  • Intended for: all disciplines

  • Language of instruction: Dutch / English

  • Website: n/a

  • Coordinator: t.b.a.

  • Information: minor coordinator

  • Board of Examiners: China Studies

  • Registration:
    LEI students 15 May (13:00hrs) to 4 July 2024
    TUD and EUR students 15 May (13:00hrs) to 31 May 2024
    Request an eduID account to register in EduXchange. On how to do this, watch Explore & register for your minor via eduXchange.

From July, register separately for the courses via MyStudymap (only applies to LEI students).


This minor is only offered as a package of 30 EC that can be taken during an entire academic year, with students taking 15 EC per semester (minimum 10 EC and maximum 20 EC per semester).