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MA Literary Studies: Pre-master English Literature and Culture

The bachelor English language and culture offers a pre-master programme for students holding a bachelor’s degree in Applied Sciences for the so called Lerarenopleiding. This programme prepares for the master specialisation English literature and culture. The pre-master entails 60 ECTS. After completion of the pre-master, the student is admitted to the Master Literary Studies, specialisation English literature and culture.


Please note: Literature 1A, Literature 1B and Philology 1 are first year courses of the BA English Language and Culture and it is not possible to enroll for these courses yourself.

Please contact the education coordinator of the BA English and submit a top 3 of preferred tutorial groups for Literature 1A and Philology 1 (Literature 1B is lecture-only).

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2

First semester


Academic Skills, pre-master 5
Literature 1A: Introduction to Literary Studies in English 10
Philology 1: Introduction to Middle English Language and Literature 5
Literature 1B: The Classical and Christian Legacies in Literatures in English 5

Choose one of two

Literature 3B: British Literature in the Long Eighteenth Century 5
Literature 3A: American Literature, Beginnings to 1865 5

Second semester


Pre-master Final Assignment Literary Studies 10
Language Acquisition 4: Dimensions of Written Text Composition and Generation 5

Choose three of four

Literature 4A: American Literature, 1865-1917: The Age of Realism 5
Literature 4B: British Literature in the Long Nineteenth Century 5
English-Language Popular Culture 5
Philology 4A: Highlights of Medieval English Literature 5