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Practical Information

Exchange (English only)

We are pleased to welcome you to the Institute of Public Administration. In this part of the prospectus you can find the courses that we offer to exchange students. We want to address some important issues, namely:

1 How to get registered for courses and exams.
2 Participate in the retake
3 Disabilities
4 Where to find the schedule
5 Contact

1. How to get registered for courses and exams.

Students are registered for their pre-approved Public Administration courses and exams in uSis. The registration becomes visible in your schedule appr. 4 weeks before the start of the courses.

If you want to participate in one of our courses but you are not pre-approved, please contact the FGGA International Office. They can inform you whether or not there are seats available.

You pass the exam if the result is 5,5 or higher. A result lower than 5,5 means that you failed the exam.

2. Participate in the retake

Sufficient grades may never be retaken. Exceptions can only be made with consent of the Board of Examiners. Read more about the regulations regarding education in the Course and Examination Regulations and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Examiners.

3. Disabilities

Studying with a disability – arrange exam facilities via Usis
You may need additional exam facilities due to a disability, such as dyslexia or ADD, or other circumstances. Examples of additional facilities include extra time during exams or taking exams in a room with fewer participants. On this website (in the menu on the left side of the page) you can read more about studying with a disability. You can submit a request for additional exam facilities via uSis. Click on the 'Studying with a disability' tile and go through the steps.

Do you need an appointment with the student counselors or not?
Requests for 10 minutes extra time per hour of exam do not require an appointment with the student counselors. You can simply submit a request in Usis and add your expert statement to your request. However, if you need any other facilities, an appointment with the student counselors is mandatory. Show up prepared to the appointment with relevant doctor's statements, test results or other evidence. Please indicate clearly what additional facilities you think you might need.

After the request or after the appointment
If the student counselors see the need for additional facilities, they will send their advice to our board of examiners. We will then send a decision on behalf of the board of examiners about your exam facilities and at the same time inform the Education Service Center (OSC), which is responsible for the organization of exams and extra facilities.

Midterm exams
Arrange your exam facilities on time! In order to be able to make use of the extra facilities during the exams of your first block, it is necessary that we receive your request on time. The midterm exams are coming up quickly and the student counselors can be quite busy. Since not everyone can receive their advice before the midterm exams, the study advisors can only make a temporary decision for the midterm exams of the first block. The advice from the student counselors is required for the other exams, including the regular exams at the end of the first block.

If your statement cannot be arranged for the midterm exams, but you would like to use the facilities during the midterms, please make an appointment with the study advisors as soon as possible. Have any proof at hand. Have you already visited the student counselors and have we received their advice? You are of course also very welcome to discuss what (else) we can do for you.

4. Schedules

You will find the timetables on this page: MyTimetable

5. Where to go with your questions?

  • For questions about adjusting to life at Universiteit Leiden, your exchange, documents for your home university, please contact the International Office.

  • For questions about course and exam enrollment, course clashes and transcripts please contact the International Office.

  • For questions about personal circumstances, wellbeing and learning strategies you can contact the study advisers of Public Administration.

  • For questions about course content, examination and course results, please contact your lecturer/instructor of the course.

Exchange Public Administration Courses

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2

On Campus

Introduction to Public Administration 5
European Union Politics and Policy 5
Public Values & Ethics 5
Governance and Digitalisation 5
International Administration 5
Public Policy (EN Pre-Master) 5