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Archaeology: Archaeology of Egypt

This is a specialisation of the Master’s programme of Archaeology.

This master programme deals with the archaeology of the civilisations along the Nile in its broadest sense and provides a unique long-term overview of the development of societies in Egypt from an archaeological perspective. Specialised seminars provide a familiarisation with relations between material culture and society in different time periods from prehistory to the Pharaonic period. The thesis allows for specialisation into a specific topic selected by students.

The staff members of this programme have ongoing fieldwork projects in Egypt and share their experience with students. The Dutch Institute for the Near East (NINO) library and the National Antiquities Museum (RMO) in Leiden provide students with excellent study facilities and resources.

Staff members attached to this MA programme: dr N. Shirai (Prehistory), dr C. Greco (Pharaonic).