MSc Research Projects
Admission requirements
Depending on their specialization, students do one of two MSc research projects in their second study year. Students can only start their research project when they are on track, i.e., when they have acquired close to 60 ECs of their MSc Physics program. In exceptional cases, student can also start a project after half a year of study. Master's Research Project can only be started in consultation with the study advisor.
The Master's Research Project is an integral and vital part of your training as an Physics master's student at Leiden University. During a period of typically 4-9 months, you engage in state-of-the-art research at LION, the Physics Institute of Leiden University. You will be supervised by a scientific staff member and hosted in a research group, where you will participate in new or ongoing research, regular group meetings, seminars, and other activities. Each Master's Research Project is concluded with a Master's Thesis and a Student Colloquium.
Each project must be approved by the study advisor beforehand, to check among others that it fulfills the following requirements (which differ per MSc Physics specialization):
MSc Biological and soft matter physics: (2 projects: 24 EC & 36 EC) or MSc Quantum Matter and Optics (2 projects: 24 EC & 36 EC):
One of the two projects must be done at LION; the second project is generally also done at LION but can be at a research institute outside LION, provided that it offers research at an academic level and is monitored by a LION staff member as second supervisor.
The two projects must have different supervisors;
The 36 EC project must be a fully experimental project;
The 24 EC project can be either experimental or theoretical, but if so it must have a tangible connection to experiment. This means either (a) partly (>15%) experimental, (b) modelling/design of an experiment, or (c) performed as part of a team where data is generated and analysed interactively.
Data analysis or theoretical physics may be part of the project, but the essence/main goal must be BSM or QMO physics.
MSc Theoretical Physics (1 project: 48EC)
The project must take place at LION
The project can be either fully theoretical or theoretical/experimental, but if so it must be for the major -part (>70%) theoretical.
Data analysis may be part of the project, but the essence/main goal must be physics
MSc Cosmology (2 projects: 30 EC & 30 EC)
Both projects must be in Cosmology
The combination of the two projects must cover three aspects: theory, numerical modelling and data analysis;
The two projects have different supervisors and one project must be done at LION.
Occasionally the two projects can be combined into one with one supervisor, with special permission from the Cosmology coordinator (Ana Achucarro), provided it is supervised at LION;
MSc Casimir Pre Phd (2 study projects 8 EC; 1 research project 36EC):
The projects must always be pre-approved by the Casimir coordinator (Luca Giomi).
The 2 study projects must have different supervisors.
One of the 2 study projects must be experimental, the other must be theoretical or mixed theoretical-experimental
The 36 EC research project can be either experimental or theoretical or mixed theoretical-experimental.
The 8 EC study projects in the Casimir pre-PhD specialization receive one combined grade for the research and presentation (oral or written or both).
Occasionally a theoretical research project can be a continuation of the theoretical study project and combined into one 44 EC research project, with special permission from the Casimir coordinator (Luca Giomi).
Data analysis may be part of the project, but the essence/main goal must be physics.
MSc Science Based Business, MSc in Physics and Education or MSc Science Communication and Society (1 physics project, 1 internship):
The physics project must be done at LION;
The project can be either experimental or theoretical;
Data analysis may be part of the project, but the essence/main goal must be physics.
Course objectives
The goal of the Master Research Project is to learn to conduct scientific research independently. At its core this involves exploring and analyzing a physics-related problem experimentally, theoretically or both, following the principles of scientific research: comprehension of previous results, hypothesizing consequences and testing these to verify. A crucial intrinsic part of research is reporting the results and presenting the conclusions.
This means that after this project you will be able to:
Perform independent and accurate research, according to methodological and scientific standards
Interpret the results in an objective way, linking your research question to a scientific conclusion
Analyze the outcomes of your research compared to directly related scientific results
Indicate the relevance of your research in the larger scientific context
Critically reflect on your own research work
Comprehensibly report your research results in writing
Present your research results orally in a public presentation
Soft skills
The Master Research Project also strengthens the development of a number of behaviour-oriented skills. After the project, you will be able to:
Collaborate within a research group, contributing to its scientific momentum
Plan your research activities realistically and deliver expected products before deadlines
Work with a high degree of autonomy, even accepting responsibility in (project) planning and management.
Professionally respond to feedback and incorporate the feedback into the research by adapting your practices.
Listen carefully and present difficult ideas and complex information in a clear and concise manner to a professional as well as to lay audiences.
Furthermore, the research project will stimulate your independent thinking and your ability to search for creative and original solutions and thereby enhance your auto-didactic abilities.
Assessment method
The EC-weight of the associated grading depends on your specialization:
Theoretical Physics: 1 x 48 EC project
QMO or BSM: 24 EC project + 36 EC project
Cosmology: 2 x 30 EC project
Casimir pre-PhD: 1 x 36 EC project (+ several smaller projects)
SBB/SCS/EDU: 1 x 36 EC project
The grading of the 48 EC theory project is divided as: 36 EC research + 8 EC thesis + 4 EC presentation. The grading of the other research projects are divided as 36=30+4+2, 30=25+4+1 and 24=20+3+1 (see OER).
Practical information
Relevant information on procedures and forms for the registration, assessment etc.can be found on the master's research projects page on the Physics student's website
For general questions or in case of problems during your research that you would prefer to discuss confidentially, contact our Physics study advisor Hara Papathanasiou located in room 201 of the Huygens building.