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Bachelor Honours Classes

Bachelor Honours Classes are part of the extracurricular honours programme that Leiden University offers its bachelor students. A Bachelor Honours Class is a course of high quality that tackles complex scientific and social issues in an interdisciplinary manner. In addition we offer Honours Classes in which you can develop your skills.

Honours students who partake in the Honours College programme are obligated to follow at least one Bachelor Honours Class as an elective.

Third-year non-honours students are also invited to register for the Honours Classes, if they are interested in following a high-level extracurricular course of 5 EC.

The registration period for the Bachelor Honours Classes is Monday August 16 until Thursday September 2 2021 23:59 for semester 1; the registration period for the second semester is Monday November 1 until Thursday November 11 2021 23:59.

Semester 1

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Argumentative and Rhetorical Strategies 5
Big data: Philosophical perspectives on the algorithmic turn 5
Creative Writing: Het Verrassende Nut van Fictie 5
De Lens van Van Leeuwenhoek: Nederlandse wetenschapsgeschiedenis in verhalen en museumcollecties 5
Designing Your Life (EN) - SEM1 5
Designing Your Life (NL) - SEM1 5
Effectief besturen door het vergroten van je persoonlijke vaardigheden 5
Getting smarter with Virtual & Augmented Reality 5
Negotiation and Conflict Management SEM 1 (EN) 5
Negotiation and Conflict Management - SEM 1 (NL) 5
Ondernemerschap en psychologie: over het belang van falen om succesvol te kunnen zijn 5
Pursuing Aid Effectiveness: The Changing Role of the International Development Community in overcoming Global Challenges 5
Rebuilding Education 5
Recht, literatuur en film 5
Role of International Actors in (tackling global inequality and) Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 5
The Past at Play! 5
The Truth behind Quantified self: the reality of using data from smartphone sensors to Instagram posts to enhance human health & performance 5

Semester 2

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Ageing and Vitality 5
Algoritmische besluitvorming en regulering 5
Beyond the Boundaries of Healthcare 5
Data Science 5
(De)colonizing knowledge: Women folklore collectors and travelling ethnographers in the colonized Americas 5
Designing Your Life (EN) - SEM2 5
Designing Your Life (NL) - SEM2 5
Dialogues in Past and Present: Human interaction and the construction of meaning 5
Flourishing, The Science and Practice of Well-being 5
Homo Ludens: Why We Play 5
Inequalities in the 21st century 5
International Relations: on diplomacy and negotiations 5
Kijken is de (genees)kunst: Het beter leren observeren en interpreteren in de geneeskunst door kunst 5
Language, Power and Identity 5
Motivation 5
Music in Contemporary Society: Its Role, Function and Position 5
Negotiation and Conflict - SEM 2 Management (EN) 5
Organ Transplantation 5
Ritual Art and Cultural Heritage of Insular Southeast Asia 5
Sustainability beyond frustration: saving the planet as an academic skill 5
The Many Faces of Translation: Language, Culture and Power 5
The Sounding City 5

Summer courses

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Neglected Art: The Grotesque & Caricatures 5
Flourishing. The Science and Practice of Well-being - summerschool 5
Netherlands Asia Honours Summer School (NAHSS) 5
NWIB Zomerschool Stedelijk Erfgoed 5