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Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology

The pre-master programme has been designed to help individual students meet the requirements for admission to the MSc programme in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CADS) of Leiden University, if direct admission is not possible.

Admission to the pre-master’s programme is decided by the Admissions Board after carefull evaluation of your diploma’s and academic portfolio, and proof of proficiency in English.

All applicants must first apply for the MSc programme in CADS through Studielink. After your application, the Admission Committee will decide whether you can be directly admitted to the MSc programme or that the deficiencies can be eliminated by following a pre-master’s programme. The Admission Committee will decide about the content of the pre-master’s programme. This may vary from 10 ECTS up to 60 ECTS. The admission statement for the MSc programme will contain an overview of courses that you will have to take for the pre-master’s programme and information on how to apply for the pre-master’s programme.

Please find below the overview of all the courses offered within the pre-master’s programme in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology.

Study Support and Advice

Among your courses in Brightspace is the CADS Study & Career module. This module includes information about the study programme, various types of support for study-related or personal problems, relevant CADS news, and important announcements. Use this module to stay up to date and to inform yourself of available facilities and resources.

Your Study Adviser is your first point of contact if you have questions about the CADS (pre-)master programme, your study planning, or study progress.