Artificial Intelligence, Business & Innovation
In the minor Artificial Intelligence, Business & Innovation you develop insights and skills on the intersection of the fields of artificial intelligence, management, and entrepreneurship. Aiming to integrate AI technologies with business strategies to drive business success, the focus is on programming, technology management, entrepreneurial innovation, and ethical considerations in AI applications. The curriculum is aimed at putting the teaching material into practice and is ideally suited for students who are considering a career in business and are interested in learning basic programming and AI.
At the end of the minor you have attained the following learning outcomes:
Basic Python programming skills, including control structures, data structures, and object-oriented programming;
Basic understanding of technology and operations management, with mathematical and analytical skills for various application domains;
Ability to apply theories of entrepreneurship and innovation, develop value propositions, and strategize market approaches;
Comprehensive knowledge of AI concepts, their impact on business models, and ethical considerations in AI applications;
Basic skills in implementing machine learning techniques to solve business problems and in designing AI-driven business solutions; and
Basic understanding of business analytics, including experimental and statistical principles, data science ethics, and the ability to conduct in-depth data analyses supporting business decisions.
These outcomes encompass technical programming skills, theoretical knowledge of business and AI, practical application of AI in business contexts, and an understanding of the impact of AI on society from an ethical perspective.
The minor Artificial Intelligence Business & Innovation consists of five full-time courses (each 6 EC) for a total of 30 EC. The minor can only be taken in the fall semester.
AI for Business
Basic Programming for AI
Business Analytics
Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Technology and Operations Management
The minor is taught in English.
The detailed minor schedule will be visible in My Timetable as soon as possible
Number of participants
The minor has a maximum capacity of 95 participants.
The minor is open to bachelor students who are considering a career on the intersection of artificial intelligence and business or who are interested in entrepreneurship in a "AI-driven business". Students from the Bachelor Computer Science and Bachelor Data Science and Artificial Intelligence programmes are not eligible for this minor due to overlapping content.
The minor is taught by the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS). The minor is provided under the authority of the LIACS Board of Examiners.
More information about the application procedure can be found on this website: