Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology: Environment and Development
‘Environment and Development’ covers the complex relations between societies and the physical world. It does so in terms of present modes of resource use as well as in terms of future projections; ideas on how to bring about a better, sustainable world. The aim of the MA specialization is to equip the student with knowledge and skills that will enable her/him to analyse the interactions between societies and both urban and rural environments and to engage in activities aimed at the formulation of various types of solutions for existing environment-and-development problems. Often these activities are implemented under the banner of development.
A critical assessment of these development activities is necessary to unfold their long term impact on resources and their effects on existing and future power relations. Reflection on the development process itself – the world of projects -, its prime actors and its effects on various target groups will be part of the analysis. This will also include self-reflection on the role of researchers in this process. The core of this specialisation will be the contribution that anthropology can make to this (by nature) interdisciplinary field of study.