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Quantum Information Science & Technology

The MSc Quantum Information Science and Technology (joint degree Master's programme offered by Leiden University and Delft University of Technology) encompasses the understanding, design, construction and investigation of quantum information processing systems, such as quantum computers, quantum communication networks, and quantum sensors. The objective of the MSc programme Quantum Information Science & Technology is to provide its students with in-depth and combined knowledge from the four disciplines (quantum) physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, and computer science in order to enable them to stay at the forefront of fundamental knowledge of quantum technology and develop practical applications in the field.

Please note: this information is a duplicate of the information available at the Delft University of Technology Studyguide. The information at Delft University of Technology Studyguide is leading at all times.

First year

The first year consists of a 5 EC project course, 30 EC in core courses, 1 EC in a professional portfolio course and room for 25EC in profile courses and electives.

For information regarding the electives, kindly refer to tab "General Electives first year".

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Orientation Team Project 5
Homologation 10
Fundamentals of Quantum Information 4
Qubit Dynamics and Quantum Control 4
Quantum Computation and Quantum Programming 4
Quantum Devices and Interfaces 3
Quantum Computer Architecture 5
Equipping the QIST Professional [1/2]

General electives first year

After the core programme each student chooses a profile: through elective courses more specialised knowledge in one of the three application areas of quantum science and technology (quantum computing and simulations, quantum communication or quantum sensing and metrology) is acquired, see also article 4.

The elective courses build on the core programme (see article 5.1.2) and aim at breadth as well as depth in specific topics. They focus on scientific and technical subjects relating to and recommended for at least one of the profiles (quantum computing and simulations, quantum communication, quantum sensing and metrology). For each profile, the student should take the elective course(s) specified under the profiles below. The remaining courses can be taken from the general list under this text block.

Quantum Computing and simulations profile
Students wishing to specialise in the profile quantum computing and simulations are advised to take at least one of the following three courses:

  • AP3432 Quantum Hardware 1 - Theoretical Concepts, 4EC

  • WI4659 Applied Quantum Algorithms, 6EC

  • 4343APQAL Applied Quantum Algorithms, 6EC

Quantum communication profile
Students wishing to specialise in the profile quantum communication are advised to take at least one of the following courses:

  • CS4090 Quantum Communication and Cryptography, 5EC

  • AP3432 Quantum Hardware 1 - Theoretical Concepts, 4EC

Quantum sensing and metrology profile
Students wishing to specialise in the profile quantum sensing and metrology are advised to take the following course:

  • AP3432 Quantum Hardware 1 - Theoretical Concepts, 4EC

The electives listed below per location have been pre-approved by the Board of Examiners. If students are interested in taking an elective that is not listed below, they are advised to contact the Board of Examiners via the approval form to check the eligibility of the elective they want to take.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Leiden-based electives

Complex Networks (BM) 6
Condensed Matter Physics 6
Effective Field Theory 3
Introduction to dynamical systems (BM) 6
Introduction to Machine Learning 6
Linear Analysis (BM) 6
Quantum Theory 6
Statistical Physics a 6
Applied Quantum Algorithms 6
Computational Physics (3 EC) 3
Computational Physics (6 EC) 6
Physics and Classical / Quantum Information 6
Quantum Field Theory 6
Quantum Optics 6
Representation Theory (BM) 6
Theory of Condensed Matter 6

Delft-based electives

Advanced Computing Systems (TU Delft) 5
Analog Circuit Design Fundamentals (TU Delft) 5
Applications of Quantum Mechanics (TU Delft) 3
Digital IC Design (TU Delft) 3
Machine Learning for Electrical Engineering (TU Delft) 5
Measurement and Instrumentation (TU Delft) 5
Modelling, Algorithms and Data Structures (TU Delft) 5
Networking (TU Delft) 5
Systems Engineering (TU Delft) 5
Mesoscopic Physics (TU Delft) 6
Analog CMOS design I (TU Delft) 3
Machine Learning 1 (TU Delft) 5
Semiconductor Device Physics (TU Delft) 5
Analog Integrated Circuit Design (TU Delft) 4
Advanced Microelectronics packaging (TU Delft) 3
Deep Learning (TU Delft) 5
Quantum Communication and Cryptography (TU Delft) 5
Quantum Hardware 1 - Theoretical Concepts (TU Delft) 4
Quantum Information Project (TU Delft) 2
Solid State Physics (TU Delft) 3
Solid State Physics with Quantum and Nano Electronics (TU Delft) 5
Advanced Quantum Mechanics (TU Delft) 6
Advanced Solid State Physics (TU Delft) 6
Applied Quantum Algorithms (TU Delft) 6
Computational Physics (TU Delft) 6
Nanotechnology (TU Delft) 6
Quantum Optics (TU Delft) 6
Quantum Transport (TU Delft) 6
Special Functions and Representation Theory (TU Delft) 6
Special Topics in Computational Science and Engineering (TU Delft) 6
Spectral Theory of Linear Operators (TU Delft) 6
Artificial Intelligence for Physicists (TU Delft) 4
Digital VLSI Systems on Chip Architectures (TU Delft) 4
Electron Microscopy Characterization of the Nanoscale (TU Delft) 3
Error Correcting Codes 4
Quantum Error Correction (TU Delft) 4
Quantum Hardware 2 - Experimental State of the Art (TU Delft) 4

MasterMath electives

Second year

The second year is composed of:

  • 1 EC for the remaining part of course "Equipping the QIST Professional"

  • 15 EC multidisciplinary team project

  • 44 EC reserved for the Master's thesis project.

For the thesis project, students can choose between two orientations:
1. Research and design orientation: a 44 EC research-oriented or design and/or system integration-oriented project in one of the research groups in Leiden or Delft affiliated with the QIST programme.
2. Business orientation: a 30 EC application-oriented research project in collaboration with a company under the final responsibility of a supervisor in one of the research groups affiliated with the QIST programme plus courses for a total of 14 EC on technology management and entrepreneurship.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Equipping the QIST Professional [2/2] 1
Multidisciplinary Team Project 15

Thesis Route: Research & Design Orientation

Master's Thesis Project - Research & Development Orientation 44

Thesis Route: Business Orientation

Master's Thesis Project - Business Orientation 30
Elective space for business/entrepreneurship courses [14EC] 14

Business Orientation Electives

Please find below list of pre-approved electives to be taken by students following the Master's Thesis Project - Business orientation (30 EC). Students need to folllow a total of 14 EC on technology management and entrepreneurship.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Leiden-based electives

Entrepreneurship 3
Management Science 3
Leading and Managing People 5
Financing Technology Ventures 5
Accounting 3
Marketing Analytics 3

Delft-based electives

Digital Technology Entrepreneurship and Management 5
Idea to Start-up – Deep Tech (TU Delft) 5
Patent Law and Patent Policy (TU Delft) 5
Technology Entrepreneurship and Internationalization (TU Delft) 5
Corporate Entrepreneurship and Start-ups (TU Delft) 6
Turning Technology into Business (TU Delft) 6
Idea to Start-up – IT & AI (TU Delft) 5
Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation (TU Delft) 5
Start-up Challenge (TU Delft) 3
Technology Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (TU Delft) 4
Financing Technology Ventures 3
Ready to Start-up (TU Delft) 6

More info

The Master’s programme in Quantum Information Science & Technology is a cooperation between two Dutch universities:

Leiden University:
Faculty of Science

Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

QuTech Research Institute

This MSc programme is designed for students with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or Astronomy. For the admission requirements, please go to the QIST website.

Questions? Please email

Career Orientation

During the MSc Quantum Information Science & Technology we want to provide you with the best possible preparation for the job market. In addition to knowledge, it is important that you develop skills, gain practical experience, orientate on positions & careers, and reflect on your own profile and development.

QIST graduates are expected to find employment in the following type of organisations:
1. Universities and research institutes that work on the further development of quantum technology, often in cooperation with companies;
2. Companies that are building (components for) a quantum computer, a quantum communication network or quantum sensors; a substantial amount of these are small companies, often start-ups growing at a fast pace, but this category also includes large companies such as Microsoft and Intel;
3. Companies that expect to make use of quantum technology in the (near) future and that closely follow developments; these are often large companies such as banks, ASML, Volkswagen, and Shell.

Currently, employment is concentrated in the industrial companies, universities and research institutes (types 1 and 2). We expect the third type to grow once quantum applications will have been developed.

Our students can use both the Leiden University and Delft University of Technology career networks in order to orient and prepare themselves for the job market:

❖Our study associations, Vereniging voor Technische Physica (VvTP) and De Leidsche Flesch (DLF) organise career events, such as interesting lectures by possible future employees, researchers and alumni.

Leiden University:

❖ Science Career Service
Science Career Service, one of the utilities of the Science faculty, offers information and advice on study (re)orientation, career planning and personal professional profile as well as preparation for the job market, such as job applications. Facilities provided to students include online information, walk-in consultations, workshops and individual counselling sessions. In addition, Science Career Service offers expertise and support to programmes that want to strengthen the connection between their curriculum and the job market. This can vary from providing specific guest lectures/workshops to advising on integrating career orientation programmes into the curriculum.

❖ LU Career Zone
The Leiden University Career Zone is the website for students and alumni of Leiden University to support their (study) career planning. You will find advice, information, video recordings of webinars and tools such as professional tests to get an idea of your personal profile. You can also explore positions and sectors, you will find tips about CV, job application, LinkedIn and there is a vacancy platform that you can make use of.

❖ Mentornetwerk
Leiden University likes to prepare students and young alumni well for the job market. For this we use the knowledge and experience of Leiden alumni. To bring students and young alumni with questions about their careers into contact with experienced alumni, Leiden University has established the Mentornetwerk. Students and young alumni can register for free.

Delft University of Technology

❖ TU Delft Career Centre:

Do you have questions about your (study) career choices and has the above information not been able to help you further? Please contact one of the study advisors via