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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Global and European Labour Law 10
Global Christianity 5
Global Memory Practices 10
Good Research Practices 5
Gothic Architecture, In and Out of Time 10
Grammatica – Taalvaardigheid II 5
Gravitational Lensing 3
Groepsdynamica 5
Grote Boeken uit de literatuur van de middeleeuwen en de vroegmoderne tijd 5
Ground Zero 10
Hacking the Humanities: An Introduction to Digital Humanities and Text Mining 5
Hardware and Physical Computing 3
Health and Medical Psychology 10
Het politieke debat: theorie en praktijk 5
Heterogeneous Catalysis (HET) 6
High Performance Computing I 6
High-dimensional data analysis 6
High-energy Astrophysics 3
Hindi 3 10
Hindi Literature 10
Hindu Myths in the Art of South and Southeast Asia 5
Histories of Modern South and Southeast Asia 5
Historische sociolinguïstiek: taal in de stad 10
History and Culture of Modern Turkey 5
History of Central Asia & Afghanistan 5
History of Contemporary Iran 5
History of European Public Law 5
History of Modern Philosophy 5
History of the Book 1: Developments and Practice 5
Hoe werkt literatuur? Analyse en interpretatie 5
How The World Makes Art 5
HUM Seminar Popular Visual Culture 5
Human Computer Interaction and Information Visualization 6
Iconography of South and Southeast Asia 5
Identiteit, Sociale Maskers en Latijns-Amerikaanse Literatuur 5
Immigration, Integration and Non-Discrimination 5
Indo-European Noun 5
Indonesian 1 10
Indonesian 3 10
Indonesisch 5 10
Information Retrieval and Text Analytics - CANCELLED 6
Information Theoretic Data Mining - CANCELLED 6
Information Visualization and the Humanities 5
Inleiding Afrikaanse Talen en Taalkunde 5
Inleiding Akkadisch en spijkerschrift 10
Inleiding Astrofysica 4
Inleiding dramatische media 10
Inleiding in de Moderne Geschiedenis van Latijns-Amerika II 5
Inleiding Tweedetaalverwerving 5
Inorganic Chemistry in Life 5