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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Greek Papyrology 10
Hands-on Research Experience in Museum Volkenkunde 10
High Performance Computing II 6
History of Construction and Heritage 5
Hunter-gatherer Archaeology 5
Image Analysis with Applications in Microscopy 6
In de bergen van Nederland: moderne reisliteratuur in en over Nederland 10
In-vivo biomolecular interactions underlying diseases (IBID) 6
Information Retrieval and Text Analytics 6
Innate Immune Systems 6
Innate Immune systems 6
Interculturality 2: The Global Imagination 10
Intermediate Sumerian 5
Internship 10
Internship and Master Thesis 34
Italiano L2 e metodi per l’apprendimento dell’italiano come L2 10
Jenseits der Menschenwelt? Natur, Kultur und Sprache in den Filmen Werner Herzogs 10
Lactantius, De mortibus persecutorum and the Enemies of Christianity 10
Language and Identity of Minorities in Siberia 10
Language Evolution 3
Large Scale Structure and Galaxy Formation 6
Legal texts in 1st millennium BCE Assyria and Babylonia 10
Letteratura e giornalismo: Dall'elzeviro alla rubrica d'autore 10
Literatuur en burgerschap. Nederlandse identiteit van de vroegmoderne tijd tot vandaag. Online cursus. 10
Literatuur en cultuur in Antwerpen (1300-1600) 10
Literatuur en politiek: de casus Zuid-Afrika 10
Looted Art and Restitution: History, Theory and Policy 10
Making. Contemporary Art, Materiality, Agency 10
Managing the Digital Business 3
Marketing Analytics 3
Master Thesis 24
Methods of Cultural Analysis and Critical Readings 10
Model organisms in cancer drug discovery and development 4
Modern Astrostatistics 3
Modern Game AI Algorithms 6
Modernidad en América Latina 10
Molecules of Life (MOL) 6
Multimedia Information Retrieval 6
Multivariate analysis and multidimensional data analysis 6
Museum Matters II: Curating Collections 10
New Media & New Technologies 5
Of Witches and Wardrobes: Three Paradoxes of Children's Literature 10
Old Assyrian Archives 10
Onderzoeksseminar Moderne Geschiedenis 10
Oral Traditions 10
Particle Physics and Early Universe 3
Pharmaceuticals from Plants 4
Photosynthesis and Bioenergy (PBE) 6
Political Economy of Southeast Asia 10
Political History of the Middle East in the 20th Century 10