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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Internship MA International Relations 10
Internship MA Literary Studies 10
Internship North American Studies (optional) 10
Internship Project Seminar and Thesis - Spring 2020 (September intake) 30
Internship Research Paper 5
Internship Russian and Eurasian Studies 10
Introductory Research Project 18
Is Logic Transcendental? 10
Issues in Latin American Foreign Policies 10
Italiano L2 e metodi per l’apprendimento dell’italiano come L2 10
James Joyce’s Ulysses 10
Jean Monnet Module. From Multi- to Interdisciplinarity: Europe in the World 10
Jenseits der Menschenwelt? Natur, Kultur und Sprache in den Filmen Werner Herzogs 10
Justice and Home Affairs 5
Lactantius, De mortibus persecutorum and the Enemies of Christianity 10
Language and Identity of Minorities in Siberia 10
Language Evolution 3
Large Scale Structure and Galaxy Formation 6
Le français des affaires 10
Legal texts in 1st millennium BCE Assyria and Babylonia 10
Legal Translation 2 5
Letteratura e giornalismo: Dall'elzeviro alla rubrica d'autore 10
LIAS PhD Seminar: Text and Image 5
Linguistics (research) Thesis 30
Literatuur en burgerschap. Nederlandse identiteit van de vroegmoderne tijd tot vandaag. Online cursus. 10
Literatuur en cultuur in Antwerpen (1300-1600) 10
Literatuur en politiek: de casus Zuid-Afrika 10
Looted Art and Restitution: History, Theory and Policy 10
LOT Summer School/Winter School 10
MA Scriptieseminar Taalbeheersing 0
MA Thesis African Studies 15
MA Thesis Arts and Culture 20
MA Thesis Arts and Culture (Research) 25
MA Thesis Asian Studies (120 EC) 15
MA Thesis Asian Studies (60 EC) 15
MA Thesis Book and Digital Media studies 20
MA Thesis Classics and Ancient Civilizations 15
MA Thesis Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) 25
MA Thesis Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory 20
MA Thesis Culture and Politics 15
MA Thesis European Union Studies 15
MA Thesis Global Conflict in the Modern Era 15
MA Thesis Global Order in Historical Perspective 15
MA Thesis Global Political Economy 15
MA Thesis History & Final Exam 20
MA Thesis Latin American Studies 20
MA Thesis Latin American Studies (Research) 25
MA Thesis Linguistics 20
MA Thesis Linguistics including seminar II 15
MA Thesis Literary Studies (research) 25