
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Gender en Recht 5
General Introduction to Art in China 5
Genetic Privacy: Should we be concerned? 5
Geo-Economics 5
German in Practice 5
Geschichte und Erinnerung in Deutschland 5
Geschiedenis van de Europese Expansie in Mondiale Context 5
Geschiedenis van de Politieke Filosofie 5
Geschiedenis van de Russische taal 10
Geschiedenis van het Europese Goederenrecht 5
Geschiedenis van Rusland 5
Gezinspedagogiek 5
Giornalismo culturale: scrittori, stampa, storia (Corso monografico) 5
Global and European Labour Law 10
Global Crossings: Brazil and Cultural Dialogues in the Lusophone World (LK4 / B) 5
Global Crossings: Brazil and Cultural Dialogues in the Portuguese-Speaking World (LK4 / A) 5
Global Health (Cuba) 15
Global Health (NL) 15
Global Political Economy 5
Global Political Economy 5
Global Security 5
Global Security and Collective Action 5
Globalisation in World History: An Archaeological Perspective 5
Goederenrecht 5
Good Research Practices 5
Governance & Ethics 5
Governing Science, Society and Expertise 5
Graduation Project 30
Grammatica – Taalvaardigheid II 5
Grammatica/Schrijven - Taalvaardigheid II 5
Great Cases 5
Grieks: taalkunde 5
Griekse literatuurgeschiedenis en pensum 5
Groepsdynamica 5
Group Dynamics (IBP) 5
Hacking the Humanities: An Introduction to Digital Humanities and Text Mining 5
Hands-on Research Experience in Museum Volkenkunde (ResMA) 10
Hands-On: Reflective Game Development in Action 10
HC stage 1/10
Health & Development: HIV/AIDS in Africa 5
Health and Environment 5
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 5
Health, ageing and genetic diversity 4
Heart and Blood Vessels 15
Heidegger - van Dasein tot Kehre 10
Het lerende brein 5
Het lerende kind 5
Het Spaanse wereldrijk in de zestiende eeuw 10
Hindi 3 10
Hindi 4 10