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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Literature and Reconciliation 10
Literature in Society: Narrative, Fiction and Voice 10
Literature Review 6
Literature Review Biomedical Sciences 4
Literature Seminar: Controlling the City: Biopolitics and the Wall 5
Literature Seminar: Walking the City: Psychogeographies, Mobilities and Everyday Space 5
Literature Seminar: Worlding the City: Global Futures and the Post-Metropolis 5
Literature Study 7
Literature, Art and Culture in Africa: African postcolonial theories and literary criticism 5
Literature, Research & Validation 3
Literatures of South and Southeast Asia 5
Literatuur & Kunst van China 5
Literatuur en auteurschap in de Middeleeuwen en de Vroegmoderne Tijd 10
Literatuur en cultuur van 1800 tot heden 5
Literatuur en cultuur van het begin tot 1800 5
Literatuur in handschrift en druk in de Lage Landen 5
Literatuur: Historische Avant-garde en Modernisme (Stromingen 2) 10
Literatuur: Postmodernisme en literatuur in de 21e eeuw (Stromingen 3) 10
Literatuur: Realisme en Symbolisme (Stromingen 1) 5
Literatuurbenaderingen 1 10
Literatuurbenaderingen 1: van Plato tot Structuralisme 10
Literatuurbenaderingen 2 10
Literatuurbenaderingen 2: van poststructuralisme tot postkritiek 10
Lithuanian (BA) 5
Littérature et pédagogie du Moyen Age aux Temps modernes 10
Lives on the Margins: Korean Peninsula Migration and Identity (10 EC) 10
Lives on the Margins: Korean Peninsula Migration and Identity (5 EC) 5
Living Histories: Locating Pasts in Southern Asia 5
Logic 5
Logica 5
LOT Summer School/Winter School 10
LUC - Vak van Leiden University College 5
LUC - Vak van Leiden University College 5
LUCAS seminar: Cultural Theory for the 21st Century 5
LUCAS Writing Seminar 10
M) Profileringsvak: IE Octrooirecht 5
MA Scriptieseminar Taalbeheersing 0
MA Thesis African Studies 12
MA Thesis Arts and Culture 20
MA Thesis Arts and Culture (Research) 25
MA Thesis Asian Studies (120 EC) 15
MA Thesis Asian Studies (60 EC) 15
MA Thesis Book and Digital Media studies 20
MA Thesis Classics and Ancient Civilizations 15
MA Thesis Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) 25
MA Thesis Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory 20
MA Thesis Culture and Politics 15
MA Thesis European Union Studies 15
MA Thesis Global Conflict in the Modern Era 15