
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Studieloopbaanorientatie 3 1
Studies in Conflict: From Algeria to Iraq 5
Studies in War: From the Crimea to the Second World War 5
Study abroad 15
Study Abroad in Korea: Intensive Language Learning 25
Study Abroad in Korea: Perspectieven op Korea 5
Study Design 5
Study designs in the Life and Behavioral Sciences 6
Study in Korea A 30
Study in Korea B 30
Studying and Presenting 3
Stuff! Objecten en koloniale geschiedenis 10
Sturing en stofwisseling 7
Subtitling in Theory and Practice 5
Successiewet en estate planning 10
Sumerian 2: Gudea 5
Sumerian 3: Literary Texts 5
Supramolecular Chemistry (SUP) 6
Surface Science (SUS) 6
Surinamese political history. A specific type of shared history 5
Survey Methodology 6
Survival analysis 6
Sustainability Analysis in Python 5
Sustainability and Health 4
Sustainability beyond frustration: saving the planet as an academic skill 5
Sustainability Challenge (MSc GofS) 12
Sustainability Challenge (MSc IE) 10
Sustainable City Lecture Series 5
Sustainable development: Big Issues New Answers 15
Swahili 1 10
Swahili 1 Beginners 10
Swahili 2 10
Swahili 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Swahili 3 5
Swahili 3 Intermediate 5
Swahili in Practice 5
Symbolic AI 6
Symplectic Geometry (MM) 8
Syndemics 5
Syntax 1 5
Syntax 2 5
Synthetic Organic Chemistry 5
Systeembiologie 3
System and Software Security 6
System Design for Industrial Ecology 5
Systematics and Biodiversity 6
Systems Development (ICTiB&PS) 3
Systems Optimisation 3
Taal en Communicatie 5
Taal en media 5