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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Sociology of Migration and Diversity 5
Sociology of Religion 5
Soefisme: Geschiedenis, Godsdienst en Materiële Cultuur 5
Soft and Biomatter Theory 6
Software Development 6
Software Development and Product Management 6
Software Engineering 6
Software Verification 6
Solid State NMR (SSNMR) 6
Solution Focused Therapy 5
SOSCI Lecture Material Culture of Modern Japan 5
SOSCI Seminar Anthropology of Japan 10
SOSCI Seminar Buddhism, Visuality, and the Visual Arts in Japan 5
SOSCI Seminar International Politics and Economy of East Asia 5
SOSCI Seminar Japan in Oost-Aziatische nationalismes 5
SOSCI Seminar Japanese Food 5
SOSCI Seminar Japanese Politics and International Relations 5
SOSCI Seminar Performing Arts of Japan 5
SOSCI Seminar Politics, Political Economy and International Relations of Japan 10
Sound, Space and Interaction 6
Sovereignty and Statehood 5
Sovjetgeschiedenis en herinnering 10
Sovjetgeschiedenis en herinnering 10
Spaans 1 10
Spaans 2 10
Spaans 3 10
Spaans 4 10
Spaans: Taal in cultuur 5
Spanish - Advanced 5
Spanish - Beginners 10
Spanish - Elementary 10
Spanish - Intermediate 10
Spanish 1 Beginners 10
Spanish 1 Intermediate 10
Spanish 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Spanish 2 Upper-Intermediate 10
Spanish 3 Advanced 5
Spanish 3 Intermediate 5
Spanish in Practice 5
Spanje is anders. Reizigers naar Spanje vanaf de Middeleeuwen tot nu 10
Spatial Analysis and Modelling in the Urban Environment 5
Special Topics in Digital Humanities 5
Specialisatietentamen Media 5
Specialisatietentamen Moderne Letterkunde 5
Specialisatietentamen Nederlandse Taalkunde 5
Specialisatietentamen Oudere Letterkunde 5
Specialisatietentamen Taalbeheersing 5
Spectroscopy on Chemical Reactions and Environments (SCRE) 6
Speculative Fiction: The Weird, the Dark and the Wonderful 10
Speech Sounds of the World 5