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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
The learning brain 5
The Making of the Modern Middle East (1870-1940) 10
The Material City 5
The Mycenaean World: Language 5
The Mycenaean World: Language BA 5
The Political Economy of the European Union 5
The Psychology of Economic Behaviour 5
The Written Legacy of Hittite Anatolia 10
Theoretical Cosmology 3
Theory of Condensed Matter 6
Theory of General Relativity 6
Theory of Spectroscopy and Molecular Properties (TSMP) 6
Tibet: State and Society 5
Tibetan 1 10
Tibetan 2 10
Tools and Theories in the Study of Religion: Historical, Cognitive, and Social-Scientific Approaches 10
Top Lectures in Biology 3
Topical Course Artists' Writings 5
Topical Course: Artivism 5
Topics in Algebraic Geometry 6
Topics in Algebraic Number Theory 6
Topics in Chinese Art History, Things and Paths: Approaches to Chinese Art and Material Culture 10
Topics in Theoretical Physics: Topological Quantum Matter 6
Trade and Finance in the Global Economy 5
Trajectories of Indian Nationalism 5
Transdisciplinary skills 6
Transitions, Innovation and Governance 5
Translational Neuroscience 15
Tropical Biodiversity and Field Methods 6
Turkish through Media 5
Tutorial Akkadian 10
Tutorial Sumerian 5
Tweedetaalverwerving: de invloed van moedertaal en taalaanleg 5
Tweedetaalverwerving: didactiek en toetsing 5
Underwater Archaeology and Maritime Landscapes 5
Universals and variation in human behaviour 9
Urban Computing 6
Urban Economics and Planning 5
Urban Studies Foundations 5
Utopian Political Thought and Practice 10
Van sollicitatiebrief tot haattweet: (on)beleefdheid en media 5
Vedic Sanskrit 5
Vedic Sanskrit for Indo-Europeanists 5
Vergelijkende taalkunde van de Romaanse talen 5
Vertaalwetenschap 10
Video Games for Research 6
Vijftien eeuwen Nederlands, Taalwetenschap II 5
Violence and the brain 5
Visual Evidence in Cinema 5
Vital Interests 10