
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Letteratura e giornalismo: Dall'elzeviro alla rubrica d'autore 10
Letterkunde I: Introduction à la littérature française (1500-1800) 5
Letterkunde II: Introduction à la littérature française (de 1800 à nos jours) 5
Letterkunde: Métamorphoses du roman (1850 à nos jours) 5
Letterkunde: Poésie et théâtre 5
Lezen en interpreteren van historische literatuur 5
Lezen/Woordenschat 1A, Taalverwerving I 5
Lezen/Woordenschat 1B - Taalverwerving I 5
Lifestyle Medicine and Primary Care 15
Line Academic Scientific Training Year 2 for International students 2
Linear Analysis (BM) 6
Linear and Generalized Linear Models 6
Linguistic Fieldwork A 5
Linguistic Fieldwork B 5
Linguistic variation and modeling 10
Linguistica Italiana: sintassi e dialettologia 5
Linguistics 3A: The syntax of English 5
Linguistics 3B: The Phonology of English 5
Linguistics 4: The Syntax and Phonology of English: Present and Past 5
Literature 3A: American Literature, Beginnings to 1865 5
Literature 3B: British Literature in the Long Eighteenth Century 5
Literature 4A: American Literature, 1865-1917: The Age of Realism 5
Literature 4B: British Literature: The Nineteenth Century 5
Literature 5A: American Literature, 1917 to the present 10
Literature 5B: Anglo-American Modernism 10
Literature 5C: Shakespeare and Memory 10
Literature 5D: Introduction to American Film 10
Literature 6: Contemporary Literatures in English 10
Literature in Society: Narrative, Fiction and Voice 10
Literatures of South and Southeast Asia 5
Literatuur en cultuur van 1800 tot heden 5
Literatuur en cultuur van het begin tot 1800 5
Literatuur in handschrift en druk in de Lage Landen 5
Lithuanian (BA) 5
Machine Learning for Business Analytics 3
Macromolecular Crystallography (MAC) 6
Major Issues in American History and Culture 10
Managing Software Evolution 3
Manuscript Book in the West 5
Mapping Iconography 5
Marketing Science 3
Markov Chains and Applications 6
Material Studies 1 5
Material Studies 2 5
Mathematical Methods of Physics 6
Mechanical Metamaterials 6
Mechanisms of Disease 6
Mechanisms of disease 1 7
Mechanisms of disease 2 7
Media and War 5