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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Continentale filosofie 5
Core Course: Methodological Concepts in Arts, Literature and Media 10
Core Course: Methodologies and Theories – Medieval & Early Modern 10
Core curriculum: Introduction to Literary Theory 5
Core: Samples of Linguistic Structure 10
Corporate Social Responsibility 5
Corporate Tax Policy 5
Corpus Lexicography 10
Corruption in Russia and Eurasia 10
Creative Programming 6
Criminalistics (keuzevak) 5
Criminologie Voor Juristen 5
Critical Approaches to Heritage Studies 5
Critical Theory and Cultural Analysis 10
Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness 5
Cross-domain chromatin organisation (CDC) 4
Cross-linguistic Variation in Semantics 10
Cryptographic Engineering 6
Cultural Diversity in Urban Contexts 5
Cultural Heritage in East Asia: dealing with the past in present and future 10
Cultural History of Aramaic 10
Cultural Memory of World War I & II 5
Culture and Conquest: the Impact of the Mongols and their Descendants 10
Culture and Conquest: the Impact of the Mongols and their Descendants (ResMA) 10
Culture and Diversity at Work 5
Culture and Society in the Medieval Muslim World 10
Culture and Society of the Netherlands: An Inside View 5
Culture of Tibet 5
Cultures of Resistance: South Asia and the World (10 EC) 10
Cultures of Resistance: South Asia and the World (5 EC) 5
Cultuurfilosofie 5
Cultuurgeschiedenis van Anatolië 5
Cultuurgeschiedenis van Iran (cancelled) 5
Cultuurkunde I: Histoire et culture (1789-1968) 5
Cultuurkunde II: Culture et société 5
Cultuurkunde II: Culture et société 5
Cultuurkunde III: Francophonies 5
Curating Cultures 5
Curating Film and Video 10
Curating, editing and producing Photography & multimedia Projects 10
Current Issues in the Archaeology of the Frontier Regions of the Roman Empire 5
Cyber Crisis Management & Communication 4
Cyber Law 5
Cyber Security 3
Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems 4
Dante poeta del mondo medievale 5
Das Eigene und das Andere: Kulturen, Medien und Identität 10
Das germanische Sandwich: Deutsch, Niederländisch und Englisch 5
Data Mining for Cyber Security 4
Data-driven Policy Making 3