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Chemistry and Biotechnology for Sustainability


The minor Chemistry and Biotechnology for Sustainability aims to make students aware of the major sustainability issues that must be addressed in the next generation. The activity of human beings is draining natural resources because of the non-circular way of living. Energy use and production of food and other products lead to loss of biodiversity, climate change and pollution of land, oceans and atmosphere. In solving these issues, nature can be a great source of inspiration, because most natural processes are circular. Many of the underlying questions that need to be addressed are in the realms of chemistry, biology, chemical engineering and biotechnology. Thus, this minor introduces students to the concepts of sustainability from a (bio)chemical point of view.

This LDE minor is a joint effort of the departments Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering at TU Delft and the Institute of Chemistry at Leiden University, and includes guest lectures from specialists in the field.

The minor consists of three courses in each period, and a group project running the whole semester. The first period starts off with the three-week course Anthropocene: The Era of Man, which serves as an introduction into the subject as well as for building a community of students. This course is followed by two theoretical courses and the start of the group project. The second period offers again two theoretical courses, a series of guest lectures, and the larger part of the group project.

Educational forms comprise a mix of lectures, seminars, guest lectures, and group work, and will take place at both universities.

Learning Objectives

The minor programme is intended for students from different backgrounds to extend the horizon of their knowledge around the major challenges in sustainable chemistry and biotechnology.

After completing the programme, students:

  1. can explain the general concept of sustainability and evaluate a potential sustainable solution to a chemistry problem;

  2. can describe natural element cycles and critically reflect on the impact of human activity on these cycles;

  3. can critically reflect on sustainability of chemical processes and products;

  4. can describe the fundamental chemical problems in energy conversion and critically reflect on sustainable energy production;

  5. can demonstrate a capacity to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams and contribute to a shared goal.


Students that have done chemistry on VWO 6 level are admissable to this minor.

Given the chemical nature of the topics, without a basic knowledge and interest in chemistry is requested.

This minor has a maximum of 60 students. If there are fewer than 15 students, the minor will be cancelled.

Information and Contact

More information can be found on the minor website.

Timetables will be published on MyTimeTable in June. Please note that this is a full-time minor running the whole first semester.

The minor Chemistry and Biotechnology for Sustainability shares the same Board of Examiners as the BSc Life Science and Technology

If you have any questions, please contact the education coordinator of the minor: