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Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences: Systems Pharmacology

Systems Pharmacology is a specialisation of the Master’s programme Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences of Leiden University. Systems Pharmacology offers a unique combination of cutting-edge experimental training in the field of metabolomics and translational systems biology with quantitative pharmacological modelling. This is used to better understand and predict drug-induced modulation of systemic disease networks. Research Project 1 will be conducted at the cluster Systems Pharmacology of the LACDR on one of the research themes described below. Please check the tab “More info” for the general outline of the programme.

The Division of Pharmacology works with theoretical frameworks that, through extrapolation and prediction, can be used for drug development and individualized therapies. Therefore we work with an advanced understanding of factors that govern the fate of the drug in the body (pharmacokinetics) in relation to drug effects (pharmacodynamics). Improvements of the quality of the theoretical frameworks are achieved by inclusion of multiple quantitative and objective measures as a composite biomarker for disease condition and treatment effects.

The aim of the Division of Analytical BioSciences is to develop new analytical strategies for personalized health strategies and personalized medicine. We specifically focus on metabolomics-driven systems biology to obtain new insights in disease mechanisms. We develop novel phenotypic read-outs for diagnosis and patient stratification for treatment based on metabolomics, UPE and organ-on-a-chip technologies and methods.

First and Second Year

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Mandatory courses:

Introduction Course Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences: Systems Pharmacology 5
Scientific Conduct 1
Literature Study LACDR 7

Research Project 1 at the research cluster Systems Pharmacology at the LACDR or the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at the CHDR

Research Project 1 - Practical Work 44
Research Project 1 - Thesis 5
Research Project 1 - Oral Presentation 2

The MSc programme of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences offers the following Lecture Series in the academic year 2015–2016 (one of these is mandatory):

Regulation of Drug Safety 4
Atherosclerosis 4
Metabolic disorders: From molecular mechanisms to Metabolomics and back 4
Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry 4
A Clinical Pharmacologist Approach to type 2 Diabetes 4
Signal Transduction and Hallmarks of Cancer (adapted from Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death) 4
Quantitative Pharmacology 4
Model organisms in cancer drug discovery and development 4
Drug Delivery 4
Cell adhesion signaling in health and disease 4
Blood-Brain Barrier: Drug Transport to the Brain 4

Optional courses in the academic year 2015–2016 (list is not restrictive):

IP Law in Science 5
Science Methodology 4
Science and the public: contemporary and historical perspectives 6

Meer info

Course Schedules are published via Blackboard. An overview of Exam Dates as well as Class numbers for enrolling for courses and exams in uSis can be obtained here

General outline of the MSc programme of the research track Systems Pharmacology:



Introduction Course Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences: Systems Pharmacology



Research project 1, at the research cluster Systems Pharmacology at the LACDR or the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at the CHDR

* practical work



* thesis



* oral presentation



Research project 2, (preferably in another discipline of BPS, not restricted to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)

* practical work



* thesis



Literature study plus thesis



Lecture series 1 (in BPS)



Course Scientific Conduct



20 Colloquium points



Optional courses or traineeships


(max 12 EC