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Literary Studies: German Literature and Culture

German Literature and Culture is a specialisation within the MA Literary Studies

The specialisation consists of four 10 EC courses or equivalent and the MA thesis (20 EC). The principle of the programme is: “freedom within bounds”. This means that the programme consists of electives, from which you may freely shape your personal programme. The programme includes two different types of courses: a series of thematic courses (on a special subject or author) and two general core courses: “Medieval and Early Modern Studies” and “European Modernism”.

In order to help you structure your programme, three possible profiles are suggested below:

1) Medieval and Early Modern German Literature and Culture: take the core course “Medieval and Early Modern Studies” as a basis and supplement it with courses in one or both fields.
2) Modern and Contemporary German Literature and Culture: take the core course “European Modernism” and supplement it with courses in this profile.
3) German Language and Culture is a combined programme of Literary Studies/German (20 EC) and Linguistics/German (20 EC) + a MA thesis in Literary Studies/German. This is especially advised if, after your MA, you intend to apply for the Educational Master.

Rules of the game:
Courses 1 and 2: Any two courses from the German courses mentioned in the list below
Course 3 and 4: Any course offered within the MA Literary studies (including the list below)
a course on a literary subject taught in another MA, a course offered within the MA Linguistics: German Language and Linguistics, or a course offered via Masterlanguage.
MA thesis: written in German, on a subject of German literature and culture.

Note that:

  • At least two courses should be taken from the list of German-taught electives.

  • Masterlanguage courses are either 5 or 10 EC; please submit your choice to the Board of Examiners.