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Indian and Tibetan Studies: Hindi

This is a specialisation of the master programme of Indian and Tibetan Studies.

Only BA TCIT graduated students have direct access to the Master Indian and Tibetan Studies, all students with a BA certificate from a institute of Higher Education or Higher Vocational Education should complete a pre-master programme to be allowed to enter in the master programme.

  • first year
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The MA programme is made up of the following main elements (all of which are worth 10 ECTS credits, unless stated otherwise):

  • Tutorial – Intensive study of primary source material. The Tutorial deals with a specific theme in modern Hindi literature chosen (if practically possible) by the students, for example, colonialism/postcolonialism, or gender relations. The theme is discussed on the basis of analyses written and presented by the students of selected modern Hindi short stories. Some experience with narratological analysis is an advantage.

  • Pensum – Guided reading of primary/secondary literature assigned by the teaching staff (this Pensum may be replaced by a second tutorial within the department). The Pensum consists of reading secondary literature (in English and Hindi) on the theme chosen for the Tutorial, and is concluded with writing a Pensum-paper on the basis of the secondary literature and possibly some Hindi texts analysed in the Tutorial.

  • Option – This is a free option. You can choose to direct your study in-line with your particular interests. Examples include following a master class taught in the M.Phil programme, practical training or spending time on thesis preparation

  • Thesis [20 ECTS]

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
History, Theory, Nation: Readings from the South 10
Sharing the tales of the Buddha: narrative art in Asia 10