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Philosophy 120 EC: Philosophy of Humanities


Philosophy of Humanities is a specialisation of the MA Philosophy 120 EC.

Generally, students will be enrolled in two master’s programmes: the MA Philosophy 120 EC, and a master’s programme in one of the relevant disciplines in the humanities, i.e. a discipline in the field of modern European languages and cultures, classics, (art)history, culture, or religious studies.

Structure of the programme

The two-year programme consists of the following components:

MA courses in the chosen discipline outside philosophy (for a total of 40 EC)

Students complete 500-level MA courses in one of the humanities programmes for a total of 40 EC. These courses should form a coherent combination of subjects in a discipline in (art)history, culture and/or language and literature (see above). These non-philosophical courses will be included in both master’s programmes.

Specialist courses (for a total of 20 EC)

Students complete two mandatory specialist courses, which are selected for the specialisation Philosophy of Humanities (10 EC each). Please be informed that there will be one specialist course on offer each academic year.

Core seminar (10 EC)

Students complete one mandatory core seminar in Continental philosophy that is specified for their programme.

Mandatory course in philosophy (10 EC)

Students complete one mandatory course in philosophy that is selected for the specialisation Philosophy of Humanities. There will be one mandatory course on offer each academic year, the topic of which may vary from year to year.

Optional courses in philosophy (for a total of 20 EC)

Students select two optional courses in philosophy (each 10 EC), which can be spread over two years. Course topics are varying from year to year.

Master’s thesis, thesis seminar, and final exam (20 EC)

The MA programme will be concluded by a master’s thesis of 20 EC. The master’s thesis is an independent academic contribution to philosophy of history, culture and/or literature. Students follow the mandatory Thesis Seminar during the semester in which the thesis is being written. Before graduation students sit for a final exam for which they defend their thesis.


As students will generally be enrolled in two master’s programmes the MA Philosophy 120 EC requires a careful planning. Please see More info for additional information and a possible (recommended) planning. Students are strongly advised to set up their study plan in consultation with the Coordinator of Studies before the start of the programme.

Ending of part-time programme

The part-time programme of the MA Philosophy 120 EC is being phased out. As of 1 September 2020 starting the MA programme with part time tuition is no longer possible. Students who have started one of the specialisations of the MA Philosophy 120 EC as a part-time programme before 1 September 2020 will be allowed to complete the part-time programme up until August 2024.

Further information

For additional information concerning the objectives of the programme, the master’s thesis and requirements for graduation, see More info.

  • First Year / Second Year
  • More info
  • Career Preparation
Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Specialist course

Philosophy of Humanities: Method and Interpretation 10

Core Seminar

German Idealism 10

Mandatory course in Philosophy

Theory and Practice: Anthropotechnics 10

Optional courses in Philosophy

Body and Embodiment 10
Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy in context. Philosophy and Literature in Late Antiquity 10
Phenomenology 10
Nietzsche and Law 10
Philosophy in Late Antiquity: The Rise of Free Will 10

MA courses in one of the Humanities

Please see the MA programme of the chosen discipline outside philosophy.


Students may choose to replace a maximum of 10 EC of the non-philosophical component of the programme by an internship.

Internship (MA Philosophy) 10

MA Thesis

Students follow the mandatory thesis seminar during the semester in which the thesis is being written.

Thesis Seminar Philosophy (Fall) 0
Thesis Seminar Philosophy (Spring) 0
MA Thesis Philosophy 120 EC 20