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Trainers Course Communication Skills



  • Master’s students Psychology (Interpersonal Skills course or equivalent in prior education)

  • Fluent in Dutch

  • Continued practice period available in semester 2 for selected students.


This is a training course is aimed at developing teaching skills for communication and social skills-training from a psychological perspective. The course, taught once a year, is a combination of theory, training and real-life practice and requires personal involvement of the student.

In the first part of the training, on a task level, students practice core perceptual- and behavioural skills necessary to create an optimal learning climate. They learn how to work with exercises that enable trainees to acquire knowledge about the role of personal and contextual influences in communication. They also learn to apply educational principles, how to custom-design a course and how to build an appropriate training design for a particular purpose.
Parallel to this task level, the student is working on his or her goals for personal and professional development. Identifying personal talent, mindfulness of dysfunctional patterns, leadership style, and recognizing ones own reactive behavior are part of this personal trajectory within the course.

The course is intensive in terms of personal involvement and time. It is aimed at Master’s students who possess leadership qualities, willingness and capability for self-reflection and behavioural change. It is suited for those who want to explore the vocation to professional trainership.

In the second semester (winter-spring), selected students are given the opportunity for closely supervised training of 2nd year Bachelor’s students on Interpersonal Professional Skills (IBV), which may constitute part of an internship for several Master’s trajectories (10 ECTS).


Students will acquire advanced knowledge, insight and skills necessary to design and perform training designs aimed at personal development and interpersonal communication skills.


Trainers Course Communication Skills (2010-2011):


  • Seminars,

  • plenary instruction meetings,

  • integrative homework exercises,

  • project group work

  • supervision and intervision

Students will also practice skills and techniques in role-taking as trainer/teacher.


  • Exam

  • Integrative homework exercises.

  • Active participation during all meetings. Satisfactory functioning in supervised assignments as well as the practice periods

De Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen heeft per 1 januari 2006 het systeem Ephorus ingevoerd dat docenten kunnen gebruiken om werkstukken van studenten systematisch op plagiaat te controleren. Zie ook fraude .


Information will be available on after successful enrolment


  • Remmerswaal, J. (2004). Handboek Groepsdynamica. Een nieuwe inleiding op theorie en praktijk. Soest, Uitgeverij H. Nelissen. (€ 39,80)

  • Oomkes. (2001 or 2004). Training als Beroep, deel 1 Trainingstheorie. Sociale en interculturele vaardigheid. Meppel/Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom. (€ 75,00)

Additional materials (to be provided)

  • Hand-outs.

  • Skills-lab: GeVat3 basistraining in Professionele Gespreksvoering (J. Adema, K.van der Zee, P.R. Fokkinga, E.J.A. Bakker)

  • Skills-lab: Kernkwaliteiten en het kernkwadrant

  • Cleiren et al. (2005). Wetenschappelijk Interviewen (Online syllabus).


A limited number of places is available. An information meeting on the TCCS course with pre-registration for enrolment will be held on Wednesday, September 1 2010 from 9-11hrs. Priority of admission is given to those students who are willing to extend the course into an extended Master’s internship (teaching IBV during the second semester (January-April 2011). Formal enrolment for TCCS will take place on 2 September 2010, together with the enrolment for the other Master’s courses


Dr. M. Cleiren
Room 2B46
Tel: +31 (0)71 527 3727