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Natural Computing



No special prerequisites required.


Natural computing is a quickly developing field dealing with models and computational paradigms inspired by nature and attempts to understand the world around us in terms of information processing. Natural computing today includes paradigms such as modelling information processing through artificial neural networks, modelling emergent behaviour resulting from the interaction of a large collection of agents in particle swarms (representing e.g., birds, insects) or spatial arrangements of cells (cellular automata), or modelling efficient search and optimization procedures such as ant colonies (finding shortest paths in a network of possibilities), simulated annealing processes (finding the optimal energy state of a crystal), and evolutionary processes (adapting a population to find the best mix of genetic material under changing environmental conditions). The course introduces the foundations of a variety of such computational paradigms, and discusses algorithmic implementations on computers as well as the analogies between these implementations and the natural model. In addition, we also present some practical application examples of such computational paradigms, such as pattern recognition, engineering optimization, simulations of fire breakouts, to name a few.


The course gives a comprehensive overview of the field through a series of lectures and exercises. In addition, a practical application exercise of natural computing algorithms is given to the students, who are expected to run experiments and write a short report about the experiment and the results obtained. By attending the course, students

  • learn about the main classes of natural computing algorithms,

  • acquire practical skills in implementing and applying instances of natural computing algorithms, and

  • learn how to write a short report in the format of a scientific paper.


De meest recente roosters zijn te vinden op de Studenten-website:


Veertien weken lang wekelijks 2 uur hoorcollege.


  1. the written exam (70%)
    1. the report about the practical assignment (30%) For Minor Data Science students the practical programming assignment and report are replaced by an assignment to write a report about applications of natural computing in specific industry areas (e.g., automotive, finance, oil & gas). Specific topics will be assigned to students in the first class.


  • The following book is recommended but not mandatory for the course: Leandro Nunes de Castro, Fundamentals of Natural Computing, Chapman & Hall/CRC.

  • Slides will be provided to the students for download


Aanmelden via Usis: Selfservice > Studentencentrum > Inschrijven
Activiteitencodes te vinden via de studentenwebsite onder de tab 'Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen'.


Onderwijscoördinator Informatica, Riet Derogee.


Zie Natural Computing.

