
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Presenteren en Communiceren 1
Presenteren en presentatieonderzoek 5
Presenting Your Research 5
Pressure Cooker 2
Prestatiemanagement 5
Preventie, family mediation en behandeling in de forensische context 5
Prevention and intervention programs in families: development and implementation 5
Prevention and Punishment 5
Primary and Secondary Prevention Strategies 5
Princely power as family business in early modern Europe 10
Principles of Constitutional Law 5
Principles of Economics 5
Principles of Economics 5
Principles of Economics 5
Principles of Economics (LAW) 5
Principles of International Law and International Dispute Settlement 10
Principles of Public International Law 5
Printed power, 400 years Dutch newspapers 10
Private Air Law 12
Private International Law 5
Private International Law 5
Private international law (notarial law) 5
Privatissimum children’s rights 10
Privatissimum Financial Law 10
Privatissimum Ondernemingsrecht 10
Privatissimum: Civil Law 10
Privatissimum: Criminal Law and Procedure 10
Privatissimum: European and International Human Rights Law in Comparative Perspective 5
Privatissimum: Legal Methodology (subject to change) 10
Privatization of CSM 5
Probability seminar: Random Graph ensembles (BM) 6
Procedurial Labour Law 5
Process Modelling 3
Processing Syntax and Semantics 5
Professional Child Care 5
Professional skills for public impact 5
Profileringsvak: Bijzondere delicten 5
Profileringsvak: Strafrechtelijk bewijsrecht 5
Profileringsvak: Strafwetgeving & beleid 5
Programmeren en correctheid 6
Programming 5
Programming 6
Programming NA 4
Programming Techniques 6
Project Ecologie, Biodiversiteit en Gedrag 2
Project Groups European Archaeology 5
Project Moleculaire en Cellulaire Biologie 1
Projectieve meetkunde 6
Property Law 5
Prosecution and Diversion 5