
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Geschichte und Erinnerung in Deutschland 5
Getting smarter with Virtual & Augmented Reality 5
Gewone Differentiaalvergelijkingen (Analyse 3) 6
Gezinspedagogiek 5
Gilgamesh, Mozes, Echnaton: godsdienst in het oude Nabije Oosten 5
Global and European Labour Law 10
Global Business Game - CIO Simulation 1
Global Christianity 5
Global Health (Cuba) 15
Global Health (NL) 15
Global Intellectual History before Modernity: Challenge or Madness? 10
Global Justice 10
Global Memory Practices 10
Globalisation and critique 5
Good Research Practices 5
Gothic Architecture, In and Out of Time 10
Governance and Diversity in Developing countries 10
Governance of Migration and Diversity 5
Graduation Project Applied Archaeology 20
Grammaire et vocabulaire I 5
Grammatica – Taalvaardigheid II 5
Gravitational Lensing 3
Great Debates in Political Science - Fall 5
Greek and Roman Philosophy 5
Greek Paleography 1 5
Greek poetry: Homer 5
Greek prose: Herodotus 5
Grieks voor iedereen: basiscursus grammatica en leesvaardigheid 1 5
Grieks voor iedereen: basiscursus grammatica en leesvaardigheid 2 5
Grote Boeken uit de literatuur van de middeleeuwen en de vroegmoderne tijd 5
Ground Zero 10
Group Dynamics 5
Guest writer Bibi Dumon Tak 5
H) Specialized course Civil Family Law 5
Hacking the Humanities: An Introduction to Digital Humanities and Text Mining 5
Hardware and Physical Computing 3
Hart- en Vaatziekten 11
Health and Medical Psychology 10
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 5
Health, ageing and genetic diversity 4
Heart and Blood Vessels 15
Hereditary disease in the clinic 15
Heritage formation and religion in colonial and postcolonial Indonesia and India 10
Heritage Protection in the 21st Century 5
Heritage Research: Methods and Approaches 5
Het lerende brein 5
Het lerende kind 5
Het moderne Italië (Cultuurkunde) 5
Heterogeneous Catalysis (HET) 6
Hieratic paleography 5