
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Personen-, familie- en erfrecht 5
Perspective on Career Planning (POCP) 5
Perspectives in the Study and Professional Practice 5
Perspectives on Japan 5
Pharmacology 2
Philology 1: Introduction to Middle English Language and Literature 5
Philology 3: History of the English Language 5
Philology 5: Late Modern English 10
Philology 5: Old English Literature and Culture 10
Philosophic Considerations: Human Nature and Moral Progress 4
Philosophical Skills II 5
Philosophy of Culture 5
Philosophy of Knowledge and Methodology 10
Philosophy of Law I 5
Philosophy of Love 10
Philosophy of Mind 5
Philosophy of Natural Sciences: Epistemology of Epidemiology 10
Philosophy of Science 5
Phonology 2 5
Phonology I 5
Physical Chemistry and Kinetics (FCK) 6
Physics and chemistry for biodynamic modeling 6
Physics Experiments 1 3
Physics of Elementary Particles 6
Physics of Life (from Motors to Nerve Pulses) 6
Pilgrimage and Holy Places 10
Pindar and Epinician Poetry 10
Plant Families of the Tropics 5
Playful and Creative Science 6
Policy Analysis and Action Plan 6
Policy Oriented Research Internship 20
Policy studies (part 1) Minor 5
Political debate: theory and practice 5
Political Philosophy 5
Political Philosophy 5
Political Propaganda: Festivals and Commemorations in the Dutch Republic 10
Political Psychology in International Relations 10
Political Violence and Civil War 10
Politicians and Statesmen. Professionalization, Activism and Perception since the 18th Century 10
Politics and Economy: Philosophical Foundations 10
Politics and Ethics in the Contemporary Museum 10
Politics and Religion 5
Politics of Migration and Diversity 5
Politics of Southeast Asia 5
Politics of Southeast Asia 5
Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the present 10
Politiek en Beleid 7
Politieke Psychologie 5
Polling Public Opinion 5
Pomp in Parliament: Rituals, Ceremonies and Symbols in the Second Chamber 10