
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
`Ulamâ’ in the Modern Muslim World (ResMA) 10
A Europe that serves and protects: the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 5
A Francophone Maghreb? 5
A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Biomedicine, part B 1
A Successful Democracy: The History of the Federal Republic of Germany 10
Academic and Professional Skills (Science) 3
Academic writing (AWR) 2
Academic Year in Japan C 5
Accenttentamen Moderne Letterkunde 5
Accenttentamen Nederlandse Taalkunde 5
Accenttentamen Oudere Letterkunde 5
Accenttentamen Taalbeheersing 5
Actors and Behaviour in Cyberspace 4
Advanced Academic Skills Elite Course 6
Advanced Activities Bachelor Research Project 6
Advanced Biblical Hebrew Grammar 10
Advanced International Criminal Law and Procedure (ICL) 5
Advanced Korean Reading 10
Advanced measure theory (BM) 6
Advanced Themes in Archaeology 5
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics II: Emergent field theories 6
Africa in Cross-Regional Perspective 10
Algebraic Geometry 2 (MM) 8
All Mastermath spring courses 6/8
An interdisciplinary perspective on human trafficking 5
Analyse van Politiek-Filosofische Teksten 10
Animals in the Humanities 5
Applied Cognitive Psychology 10
Archaeological Theory (BA3) 5
Argumentatie, praktische logica en debat 5
Argumentatie, praktische logica en debat 5
Argumentative and Rhetorical Strategies 5
Auslandaufenthalt 25
BA - Final essay Japan Studies 10
BA Eindwerkstuk Afrikaanse Talen en Culturen 10
BA eindwerkstuk Chinastudies 10
BA eindwerkstuk Italiaanse taal en cultuur 10
BA Eindwerkstuk Midden-Oostenstudies en seminar 15
BA Eindwerkstuk Oude Nabije Oosten- studies 10
BA final paper 10
BA Final Paper Art History 10
BA Scriptieseminar Geschiedenis 0
BA thesis (Dutch) 10
BA Thesis (South and Southeast Asian Studies) 10
BA thesis Comparative Indo-European Linguistics 10
BA thesis Descriptive Linguistics 10
BA Thesis Engelse taal en cultuur 10
BA Thesis Engelse taal en cultuur 10
BA Thesis History 15
BA thesis Language and Cognition 10