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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Negotiation and Conflict Management 5
Negotiations in the European Union 10
Netherlands Asia Honours Summer School (NAHSS) 5
NWIB Zomerschool Stedelijk Erfgoed 5
Onderzoek naar Recht in de Samenleving. Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar het recht (5 ec) + mogelijkheid aanvullend deelvak (5 ec) 5
Optional Courses (MA History) 10
Ordering the universe: Globalization and a changing worldorder in the early modern world 10
Organ transplantation 5
Ottoman Turkish (Spring) 10
Ouderen 11
Palaeography of the Greek Papyri and Edition Technique of Papyrus Documents 5
Past, Present and Future: The Philosophy of Time 10
Patterns, Chaos and Bifurcations (BM) 6
Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice 5
Peculiar spies? National intelligence cultures in the West 10
Philology 6: Middle English Literature and Culture 10
Philosophy of History 10
Philosophy of Law II 5
Planet in Peril: Exploring Human Relations with Nature 5
Policy Oriented Research Internship 20
Policy Oriented Research Internship 20
Political Economy in Southeast Asia (ResMA) 10
Politics of Migration 10
Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the present 10
Postcommunistische Transities 10
Power and Resistance in the Modern Middle East (ResMA) 10
Practicum Financial Law 10
Practicum: History of Legal and Moral Philosophy (subject to changes) 10
Pre-master Thesis 10
Pre-master Thesis Middle Eastern Studies 10
Pre-master Thesis North American Studies 10
Princes, households, and government: the early modern court 10
Private International Labour law 5
Private International Law 5
Private international law (notarial law) 5
Privatissimum children’s rights 10
Privatissimum Financial Law 10
Privatissimum Ondernemingsrecht 10
Privatissimum: Civil Law 10
Privatissimum: Criminal Law and Procedure 10
Probability: Coupling theory (BM) 6
Prosecution and Diversion 5
Public and Private Policing 5
Public Leadership Consulting 5
Publishing Studies: Academic Publishing 5
Punishment and Prisons 5
Quantum Optics 6
Radio Astronomy 6
Reading Buddhist Scriptures (ResMA) 10
Real Property Law 10