
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Children’s Rights from an International Comparative Perspectiv 5
Chile Visiting Chair 2020 10
China and Global Cyberspace 10
China and Global Cyberspace (ResMA) 10
China and the Global Political Economy 5
Chinese film and society 5
Chinese Filosofie II 5
Chinese History in a Global Context I 5
Chinese literature: poetry 5
Chinese taalkunde: syntaxis 5
Chinese taalkunde: typologie 5
Christendom: de basics 5
Chronische Aandoeningen 12
Cinema and Photography: Analysis 5
Cinema and Photography: Theory 5
Cinema: Complex Narratives 5
Circular Economy 6
Circular Economy: from Challenge to Opportunity 10
Classical Cultures of South and Southeast Asia: Seminar 1 5
Classical Electrodynamics 4
Classical Readings: Descartes' Meditations 5
Classical Readings: Spinoza's Ethics 5
Classics and Ancient Civilizations MA-Seminar 5
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 10
Clinical Interviewing and Assessment 5
Clinical Neuropsychology 10
Clinical problems in acute care 6
Clinical problems in ageing: diversity and choices 7
Clinical problems in the general practice setting 6
Clinical problems: from reproduction to adulthood 8
Clinical Psychology 10
Coaching in Inclusive Education 5
Cognitive Behaviour Interventions 5
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Young People 5
Cognitive Neuroscience 10
Cognitive Psychology 5
Cognitive Psychology (IBP) 5
Cognitive Psychology: Rationality and Emotion in Human Decision Making 5
Cold Cases 5
Colonial and World History: Dutch Sources as Window to the World 5
Colonial Wars: a military perspective on Modern Imperialism and Decolonisation 10
Colonialism and the Representation of Society and State 10
Combinatoriek & Optimalisering 6
Communication in Africa 5
Community Project 10
Comparative and Private International Law 5
Comparative Corporate Law 5
Comparative Justice Systems 5
Comparative Philosophy II: Topics 5
Comparative Sexual Orientation Law 5