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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
New Media and Society: Journalism 5
Non-human Cognition 4
Of Witches and Wardrobes: Three Paradoxes of Children's Literature 10
Old Assyrian Archives 10
Optional Courses (ResMA History) 20
Oral Traditions 10
Organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis (MHC) 6
Paleobiology 3
Particle Physics and Early Universe 3
Past, Present and Future: The Philosophy of Time 10
Phenomenology 10
Philosophy of Humanities: Method and Interpretation 10
Philosophy of Law: Hart and His Critics 10
Philosophy of Political Science: Moral Equality and Grounds of Justice 10
Philosophy of Psychology: Imagination 10
Planet in Peril: Exploring Human Relations with Nature 5
Plato's Timaeus and Critias. Cosmology and History in Defense of Political Utopia 10
Policy Evaluation in National and International Contexts 10
Policy Oriented Research Internship 20
Political Economy in International Perspective 5
Political Economy in Southeast Asia (ResMA) 10
Political Economy of Southeast Asia 5
Political Economy of Southeast Asia 10
Political History of the Middle East in the 20th Century 10
Political Representation and Parliamentary Politics 10
Political-Administrative Relations 5
Politics and Economy: Philosophical Foundations 10
Power and Resistance 10
Power and Resistance in the Modern Middle East 10
Power and Resistance in the Modern Middle East (ResMA) 10
Practices and Debates in Art History (Master) 5
Praktijk 2 – Bovenbouw 10
Pre-modern Cartography: Worldview and Territoriality 10
Preparatory Statistics 5
Process Modelling 3
Prospective Archaeology 5
Psychology of Programming 6
Public Air Law Blended Learning 6
Public Institutions 5
Public Values and Ethics 5
Publishing Studies: Academic Publishing 5
Quantitative Pharmacology 4
Quantitative Research Methods 5
Quantum Computing 3
Quantum Field Theory 6
Radicalism in Early Modern Europe 10
Reading Buddhist Scriptures 10
Reading Buddhist Scriptures (ResMA) 10
Readings in American History 10
Realism and Idealism in Political Philosophy 10