
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Modern Japanese History 5
Modern Organic Chemistry (MOC) 6
Modern Physics Research 2
Modern Thinkers and Trends in Islam 5
Modernity in Latin America 10
Molecular Aspects of RNA Viruses (MRV) 4
Molecular Chemistry (MC) 6
Multimedia Information Retrieval 6
Museum Matters II: Curating Collections 10
Museums in Berlin (Excursion seminar) 5/10
Music: Gregorian Chant 5
Music: Introduction Jazz History 5
Music: Practicum Musicae 1, Royal Conservatoire 10
Music: Practicum Musicae 3, Royal Conservatoire 10
Must reads: Leseliste ab 1700 5
Nation, Community, Self: Questions of Culture in South and Southeast Asia 5
Nederlandse geschiedenis 2: Van Napoleon tot Wilders, Cultuurwetenschap II 5
Nederlandse letterkunde 2: Van Romantiek tot heden, Cultuurwetenschap II 5
New Religions 5
Non-human Cognition 4
Of Witches and Wardrobes: Three Paradoxes of Children's Literature 10
Old Assyrian Archives 10
Oral Proficiency: presentation and debating - Language Acquisition II 5
Oral Traditions 10
Oral Traditions of South and Southeast Asia 5
Organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis (MHC) 6
Ottoman Turkish (Spring) 10
Ottoman Turkish 2 5
Overview of Western Music History 3
Palaeography of the Greek Papyri and Edition Technique of Papyrus Documents 5
Paleobiology 3
Paragone: conflict en samenwerking tussen woord en beeld 10
Particle Physics and Early Universe 3
Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology 5
Philology 4: Early Modern Everyday English 5
Philology 6: Middle English Literature and Culture 10
Philosophy of AI 4
Physics of Energy 3
Planetary Systems 3
Political Economy of Southeast Asia 10
Political History of the Middle East in the 20th Century 10
Politics 5
Portugese 2 10
Portuguese 4 10
Portuguese language 3 (Minor advanced) 5
Power and Resistance in the Modern Middle East 10
Practical Rhetoric: public speaking according to historical sources 5
Praktische Sterrenkunde 6
Pre-Intermediate Turkish 10
Process Modelling 3