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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Major Issues in American History and Culture 10
Making sense of epidemics in Europe, 1500-1800 10
Management Science 3
Managing Innovation (minor Science Based Business) 5
Managing Software Evolution 3
Mandarijn IA 15
Mandarijn IIA 5
Manuscript Book in the West 5
Masks, Identity and Subjectivity in Latin American Literature and Cinema 5
Master Class 0
Master Fieldwork / Internship 5
Master Internship: Applied Archaeology 5
Master Internship: Global Archaeology 5
Master Internship: Heritage and Museum 5
Master Thesis 24
Master Thesis Archaeological Science 20
Master Thesis Global Archaeology 20
Master Thesis Heritage and Museum Studies 20
Master Thesis Project CADS 15
Master Thesis Writing (Leiden university) 30
Master's project 20
Master's Research Project 30
Master's Thesis Research Project (CS & SCS/EDU) 30
Master's Thesis Research Project (CS) 42
Masters of Chinese Philosophy 10
Masters of Chinese Philosophy (ResMA) 10
Material Culture 5
Material Culture of the Ancient Near East 5
Material Culture, Heritage, Museums in the Koreas 5
Material Culture, Memory and Commemoration along the Silk Roads in Central Asia 10
Material Culture, Memory and Commemoration along the Silk Roads in Central Asia (ResMA) 10
Material Studies 5
Mathematical Biology (MM) 8
Mathematical logic (TUD) 6
Mathematical Statistics 3 (BM) 6
Mathematics for statisticians 3
Matrimonial Property Law 10
Media, Art, Theory 10
Medicinal Chemistry (minor vak) 5
Medieval Lowlands 5
Medieval paleography 5
Mentoraat BA1 Japanstudies 0
Mentoraat BA1 Koreastudies 0
Mentoraat GLTC 0
Meta Media 2
Metaethics 10
Metaphysics 5
Metaphysics 5
Methoden en Technieken 1: bronnenonderzoek, objecten en teksten 5
Methoden en Technieken 2: kwantitatief onderzoek 5