
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Galaxies: structure, dynamics and evolution 6
Game Analysis: Games and Cultural Analysis 10
Game of Thrones: Late Republican Imperatores and the Early Roman Emperorship 10
Games and Transmedia Storytelling: Stories of COVID-19 5
Gedeeld onderwijs met Japan/Korea/SSEA-studies 5
Gedragsbiologie 1 1
Gedragsbiologie 2 6
Gender and Law 5
Gender/genre: New Approaches to the Human in Critical and Cultural Theory 10
General and Inorganic Chemistry (AAC) 6
General History of the Contemporary Time (AGC) 5
General History of the Early Modern Period (AGN) 5
General Introduction to Art in China 5
General Principles of Tax Law 5
General Research Skills 5
Géneros Populares en la cultura latinoamericana 5
Genome (in)stability, cancer and ageing 6
Genome organization and maintenance in cancer and aging (GCA) 6
Genomic Architecture 6
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 5
German Idealism 10
Geschichte und Erinnerung in Deutschland 5
Geschiedenis van de Politieke Filosofie 5
Getting smarter with Virtual & Augmented Reality 5
Gewone Differentiaalvergelijkingen (Analyse 3) 6
Gezin en Geneesmiddel 12
Gezinspedagogiek 5
Gilgamesh, Mozes, Echnaton: godsdienst in het oude Nabije Oosten 5
GIS: Spatial analysis in urban regions 5
Global and European Labour Law 10
Global Business Game - CIO Simulation 1
Global Christianity 5
Global Connections 5
Global Crossings: Brazil and Cultural Dialogues in the Portuguese-Speaking World 5
Global Health (Cuba) 15
Global Health (NL) 15
Global Intellectual History before Modernity: Challenge or Madness? 10
Global Justice 10
Global Labour Studies 10
Global Memory Practices 10
Global Transformation and Governance Challenges 10
Globalisation and critique 5
Globalization Contested: Capitalism and its Alternatives 10
Glycobiology in Health and Disease 6
Good Research Practices 5
Gothic 5
Gothic Architecture, In and Out of Time 10
Governance & Ethics 5
Governance and Diversity in Developing countries 10
Governance of Migration and Diversity 5