
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Bachelor Thesis Project (LO4) 15
Bachelor Thesis Project (LO4) 15
Bachelor Thesis: Criminology 10
Bachelor Thesis: Tax Law 5
Bachelor Thesis: Tax Talents Class 5
Bachelor: Research 20
Bachelor’s Thesis Dutch Studies 10
Bacheloreindwerkstuk Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur 10
Bacheloronderzoeksopdracht BFW onder begeleiding van één van de onderzoeksclusters van het LACDR 16
Bachelorproject (15 ECTS) 15
Bachelorproject Academische Pabo 15
Bachelorproject Pedagogische Wetenschappen 15
Bachelorscriptie: Notarieel recht 5
Bachelorscriptie: Rechtsgeleerdheid 5
Bachelorseminarium algebra, meetkunde en getaltheorie 18
Bachelorseminarium analyse, stochastiek en besliskunde 18
Banking & Finance Transactions 10
Basic Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 2
Basic Laboratory Skills Course (PBV) 6
Basic Therapeutic Skills 5
Basispracticum 1 4
Basispracticum 2 3
Basiswiskunde 1
Baudelaire, poète et critique d'art 10
Bayesian Statistics 6
Beginnend Chinees A voor studenten ChES 5
Beginnend Chinees B voor studenten ChES 5
Beginner's Hebrew 10
Beginner's Turkish 10
Beginners Course 1A - Language Acquisition I 15
Behandeling: interventies binnen de orthopedagogiek 5
Behaviour Training with Children 5
Behavioural Economic Insights 5
Beroemde Boeken 5
Bestuursactiviteiten 5
Better Science for Computer Scientists - CANCELLED 3
Beyond the Boundaries of Healthcare 5
Beyond the threat 5
Beyond the Village. Community in South Asia, c.1500-1900 10
Biblical Aramaic 5
Biblical Hebrew 1 10
Biblical Hebrew 2 5
Biblical Hebrew 3 5
Big data: Philosophical perspectives on the algorithmic turn 5
Big Media 5
Bijzonder Straf(proces)recht 5
Bilingual Acquisition 10
Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Portuguese speaking world (TK4) 5
Bio-based Materials in a circular economy 4
Bio-ethiek 4