
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Late Egyptian 10
Late medieval religiosity in word and image: manifestations of power 10
Late Modern English Letters 10
Latent Variable Models 5
Latijnse literatuurgeschiedenis en pensum 5
Latin America in Literature and Images 5
Latin American International Relations 5
Latin American Sociolinguistics and Dialectology 5
Latin in the Renaissance 5
Latin: drama 5
Latin: epic 5
Latin: Language Acquisition 1 (B/C-group) 5
Latin: Language Acquisition 1a (A-group) 5
Latin: Language Acquisition 2 (B/C-group) 5
Latin: Language Acquisition 2a (A-group) 5
Latin: lyric/elegy 5
Latin: rhetoric 5
Law 5
Law and Business 10
Law and Culture 5
Law and Economics 5
Law and Economics 5
Law and Economics (crim) 5
Law and Governance in Africa 5
Law and Governance in Asia 5
Law and Governance in Developing Countries 5
Law and Information Technology in Europe 5
Law and Literature 5
Law and Security 5
Law and Security 5
Law Clinic 5/10
Law Enforcement and the Police 5
Law Firm Management 5
Law in Action: The legal profession 5
Law of Obligations 10
Law of Succession 10
Law of Telecommunication 5
Law on administrative procedures (Ma) 5
Law, Culture & Society 5
Law, Development and Innovation in China 5
Law, Ethics and Politics of International Dispute Settlement 5
Law, Governance & Development 5
Law, Politics & Society 5
Law, Sharia and Governance in North Africa and the Middle East 5
LCA Practice & Reporting 9
LDE Living (World) Heritage Cities 5
Le français des affaires 10
Leading and Managing People 5
Lean Six Sigma 3
Learning and Instruction 5