
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Learning and ongoing evaluation of learning 5
Learning problems and impairments: research and practice 5
Learning through Virtual Reality 5
Learning, cognition and the brain 5
Lecture Series 1 / 2
Leerproblemen: signalering en interventie 5
Leesgroep Modern Japans 0
Legal argumentation 5
Legal English for bachelor students 5
Legal Ethics 5
Legal Methods Lab 5
Legal Perspectives on Cyber Security 4
Legal Profession and Ethics 5
Legal Translation 1 10
Legal Translation 2 5
Legal Writing, Advocacy and Litigation Techniques 5
Legislation of Production of Medicinal Products 2
Legitimacy and legitimation 5
Legitimacy and Political Obligation 10
Legitimiteit van Militaire Missies 5
Lerarenvak Fundamenten (MM) 6
Leren door Doen: Werken aan maatschappelijke opgaven 5
Leren en cognitie 5
Leren en Instructie (ICLON) 3
Leren en instructie 1 3
Leren en instructie 2 3
Letteratura e cinema: intermedialità nel Novecento 10
Letterkunde: Poésie et théâtre 5
Letterkunde: Roman et philosophie (1500-1800) 5
Letterkunde: Roman, cinéma (de 1800 à nos jours) 5
Liability of Public Authorities 5
Life Cycle Assessment 5
Life Sciences 8
Life Writing as Political History 10
Lijn Beroepsvorming jaar 1 6
Lijn Beroepsvorming jaar 2 5
Lijn Gezondheidsbevordering jaar 1 1
Lijn Gezondheidsbevordering jaar 2 1
Lijn Organisatie en Samenwerking jaar 1 1
Lijn Organisatie en Samenwerking jaar 2 1
Lijnonderwijs Communication in Science-1 (CiS-1) 3
Line Academic and scientific development 3 4
Line Academic Scientific Training Year 2 5
Line Collaboration and Organisation year 3 1
Line Organisation and Collaboration year 3 1
Line professional development 3
Lineair Algebra for Computer Scientists 2 3
Lineaire Algebra 1 6
Lineaire Algebra 1 NA 6
Lineaire algebra 2 6